Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2019-04-16 18:10 22948763

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feat(data/finset): powerset_len (subsets of a given size) (#899)

  • feat(data/finset): powerset_len (subsets of a given size)
  • fix build

Estimated changes

deleted def choose
deleted theorem choose_eq_fact_div_fact
deleted theorem choose_eq_zero_of_lt
deleted theorem choose_mul_fact_mul_fact
deleted theorem choose_one_right
deleted theorem choose_pos
deleted theorem choose_self
deleted theorem choose_succ_self
deleted theorem choose_succ_succ
deleted theorem choose_zero_right
deleted theorem choose_zero_succ
deleted theorem fact_mul_fact_dvd_fact
deleted theorem succ_mul_choose_eq