Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-09-21 08:15 30553f13

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feat(algebra/hom/centroid): Introduce the centroid of a (non-unital, non-associative) semiring (#12746) Define the centroid of a (non-unital, non-associative) semiring and shows that it forms a semiring. The centroid of a (non-unital, non-associative) ring is a ring. When the ring is prime, the centroid is commutative.

Estimated changes

added theorem centroid_hom.add_apply
added theorem centroid_hom.coe_add
added theorem centroid_hom.coe_comp
added theorem centroid_hom.coe_id
added theorem centroid_hom.coe_mul
added theorem centroid_hom.coe_neg
added theorem centroid_hom.coe_nsmul
added theorem centroid_hom.coe_one
added theorem centroid_hom.coe_sub
added theorem centroid_hom.coe_zero
added theorem centroid_hom.comp_id
added theorem centroid_hom.ext
added theorem centroid_hom.id_apply
added theorem centroid_hom.id_comp
added theorem centroid_hom.mul_apply
added theorem centroid_hom.neg_apply
added theorem centroid_hom.one_apply
added theorem centroid_hom.sub_apply
added structure centroid_hom