Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2017-11-07 06:09 4ae6a578

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fix(data/array): update to lean

Estimated changes

added theorem array.mem.def
deleted theorem array.mem_iff_list_mem
added theorem array.mem_rev_list
added theorem array.mem_to_list
added theorem array.mem_to_list_enum
modified theorem array.push_back_rev_list
modified theorem array.push_back_to_list
added theorem array.read_foreach
deleted def array.read_foreach
added theorem array.read_foreach_aux
added theorem array.read_map
deleted def array.read_map
added theorem array.read_map₂
deleted def array.read_map₂
deleted theorem array.read_write
deleted theorem array.read_write_eq
deleted theorem array.read_write_ne
added theorem array.rev_list_foldr
modified theorem array.rev_list_length
modified theorem array.rev_list_length_aux
modified theorem array.rev_list_reverse
modified theorem array.rev_list_reverse_core
added theorem array.to_list_foldl
modified theorem array.to_list_length
modified theorem array.to_list_nth
deleted theorem array.to_list_nth_core
added theorem array.to_list_nth_le
modified theorem array.to_list_reverse
modified theorem array.to_list_to_array
added theorem list.enum_from_map_fst
added theorem list.enum_from_map_snd
added theorem list.enum_from_nth
added theorem list.enum_map_fst
added theorem list.enum_map_snd
added theorem list.enum_nth
modified theorem list.eq_nil_of_map_eq_nil
modified theorem list.ext
modified theorem list.foldl_append
added theorem list.foldl_join
added theorem list.foldr_join
added theorem list.infix_of_mem_join
added theorem list.length_enum
added theorem list.length_enum_from
added theorem list.map_join
added theorem list.mem_iff_nth
added theorem list.mem_iff_nth_le
added def list.modify_head
added def list.modify_nth
added theorem list.nth_eq_some
modified theorem list.nth_ge_len
added theorem list.nth_le_mem
modified theorem list.nth_le_nth
added theorem list.nth_le_of_mem
modified theorem list.nth_le_reverse_aux1
modified theorem list.nth_le_reverse_aux2
added theorem list.nth_mem
added theorem list.nth_modify_nth
added theorem list.nth_modify_nth_eq
added theorem list.nth_modify_nth_ne
added theorem list.nth_of_mem
added theorem list.nth_update_nth_eq
added theorem list.nth_update_nth_ne
added theorem list.pairwise.and_mem
deleted theorem list.pairwise.iff_mem
added theorem list.pairwise.imp_mem
modified def list.to_array