Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2018-04-03 21:23 5717986f

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fix(*): update to lean also add mathlib nightly version to leanpkg.toml

Estimated changes

added theorem add_gsmul
modified theorem add_monoid.add_smul
added theorem add_monoid.mul_smul'
added theorem add_monoid.mul_smul
modified theorem add_monoid.mul_smul_assoc
deleted theorem add_monoid.mul_smul_right
modified theorem add_monoid.neg_smul
modified theorem add_monoid.one_smul
added def add_monoid.smul
added theorem add_monoid.smul_add
modified theorem add_monoid.smul_eq_mul'
modified theorem add_monoid.smul_eq_mul
deleted theorem add_monoid.smul_mul
modified theorem add_monoid.smul_nonneg
modified theorem add_monoid.smul_one
added theorem add_monoid.smul_sub
added theorem add_monoid.smul_zero
modified theorem add_monoid.zero_smul
added theorem bit0_gsmul
added theorem bit0_smul
added theorem bit1_gsmul
added theorem bit1_smul
modified def gpow
modified theorem gpow_add
modified theorem gpow_bit0
modified theorem gpow_bit1
modified theorem gpow_coe_nat
added theorem gpow_mul'
modified theorem gpow_mul
modified theorem gpow_mul_comm
modified theorem gpow_neg
modified theorem gpow_neg_one
added theorem gpow_neg_succ
added theorem gpow_of_nat
modified theorem gpow_one
modified theorem gpow_zero
added def gsmul
added theorem gsmul_add_comm
deleted theorem gsmul_bit1
added theorem gsmul_coe_nat
modified theorem gsmul_eq_mul'
modified theorem gsmul_eq_mul
added theorem gsmul_mul'
modified theorem gsmul_mul
deleted theorem gsmul_neg
deleted theorem gsmul_neg_one
added theorem gsmul_neg_succ
added theorem gsmul_of_nat
deleted theorem gsmul_one
modified theorem inv_gpow
modified theorem list.sum_repeat
modified theorem mul_gsmul_assoc
added theorem mul_gsmul_left
deleted theorem mul_gsmul_right
modified theorem nat.pow_eq_pow
added theorem neg_gsmul
added theorem neg_one_gsmul
modified theorem one_gpow
added theorem one_gsmul
modified theorem pow_abs
added theorem pow_mul'
modified theorem pow_mul_comm
modified theorem pow_zero
added theorem smul_add_comm'
added theorem smul_add_comm
deleted theorem smul_bit1
deleted theorem smul_succ'
deleted theorem smul_succ
deleted theorem smul_two
added theorem succ_smul'
added theorem succ_smul
added theorem two_smul
added theorem zero_gsmul
modified theorem exists_gpow_eq_one
modified theorem exists_pow_eq_one
modified theorem gpow_eq_mod_order_of
modified theorem is_subgroup_range_gpow
modified theorem order_eq_card_range_gpow
modified theorem pow_eq_mod_order_of
modified theorem pow_order_of_eq_one