Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-04-22 03:48 5e2025f6

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feat(group_theory/bundled_subgroup): bundled subgroup (#2140) Add bundled subgroups. While is_subgroup is a class taking s : set G as an argument, subgroup G is a structure with a field carrier : set G and a coercion to set G.

Estimated changes

added theorem add_subgroup.gsmul_mem
added structure add_subgroup
added theorem monoid_hom.coe_range
added theorem monoid_hom.comap_ker
added def monoid_hom.ker
added theorem monoid_hom.map_closure
added theorem monoid_hom.map_range
added theorem monoid_hom.mem_ker
added theorem monoid_hom.mem_range
added def monoid_hom.range
added theorem subgroup.bot_prod_bot
added def subgroup.closure
added theorem subgroup.closure_Union
added theorem subgroup.closure_empty
added theorem subgroup.closure_eq
added theorem subgroup.closure_le
added theorem subgroup.closure_mono
added theorem subgroup.closure_union
added theorem subgroup.closure_univ
added theorem subgroup.coe_Inf
added theorem subgroup.coe_bot
added theorem subgroup.coe_coe
added theorem subgroup.coe_comap
added theorem subgroup.coe_inf
added theorem subgroup.coe_inv
added theorem subgroup.coe_map
added theorem subgroup.coe_mul
added theorem subgroup.coe_one
added theorem subgroup.coe_prod
added theorem subgroup.coe_subtype
added theorem subgroup.coe_top
added def subgroup.comap
added theorem subgroup.comap_comap
added theorem subgroup.comap_inf
added theorem subgroup.comap_infi
added theorem subgroup.comap_top
added theorem subgroup.ext'
added theorem subgroup.ext
added theorem subgroup.gc_map_comap
added theorem subgroup.gpow_mem
added theorem subgroup.inv_mem
added theorem subgroup.le_def
added theorem subgroup.list_prod_mem
added def
added theorem subgroup.map_bot
added theorem subgroup.map_map
added theorem subgroup.map_sup
added theorem subgroup.map_supr
added theorem subgroup.mem_Inf
added theorem subgroup.mem_bot
added theorem subgroup.mem_closure
added theorem subgroup.mem_coe
added theorem subgroup.mem_comap
added theorem subgroup.mem_inf
added theorem subgroup.mem_map
added theorem subgroup.mem_prod
added theorem subgroup.mem_top
added theorem subgroup.mul_mem
added def subgroup.of
added theorem subgroup.one_mem
added theorem subgroup.pow_mem
added def
added theorem subgroup.prod_mem
added theorem subgroup.prod_mono
added theorem subgroup.prod_top
added def subgroup.subtype
added theorem subgroup.top_prod
added theorem subgroup.top_prod_top
added structure subgroup