Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2023-06-04 11:07 5f25c089

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chore(archive/imo): change namespace imo to imoYYYY_qX (#19152) This PR fixes a mistake that I made when namespacing files in archive.imo. Now, the files whose namespace was imo have namespace their file name (minus .lean). Changes:

  • namespace imo changed to imoYYYY_qX;
  • added nolint dup_namespace tags to the declarations that have a duplication;
  • changed namespace imo_1987_q1 to imo1987_q1 for consistency. Zulip discussion

Estimated changes

deleted theorem imo.alt_equiv
deleted def imo.alt_formula
deleted theorem imo.cos_sum_equiv
deleted theorem imo.finding_zeros
deleted theorem imo.formula
deleted theorem imo.imo1962_q4'
deleted theorem imo.imo1962_q4
deleted def imo.solution_set
deleted theorem imo.solve_cos2_half
deleted theorem imo.solve_cos2x_0
deleted theorem imo.solve_cos3x_0
added theorem imo1962_q4'
added theorem imo1962_q4.alt_equiv
added theorem imo1962_q4.formula
added theorem imo1962_q4
deleted theorem imo.imo1994_q1
deleted theorem imo.tedious
added theorem imo1994_q1.tedious
added theorem imo1994_q1
deleted def imo.A
deleted theorem imo.A_card_lower_bound
deleted theorem imo.A_card_upper_bound
deleted theorem imo.add_sq_add_sq_sub
deleted def imo.agreed_triple
deleted theorem imo.clear_denominators
deleted theorem imo.imo1998_q2
deleted def imo.judge_pair
deleted theorem imo.norm_bound_of_odd_sum
added def imo1998_q2.A
added theorem imo1998_q2
deleted theorem imo.bound
deleted theorem imo.denom_pos
deleted theorem imo.imo2001_q2'
deleted theorem imo.imo2001_q2
added theorem imo2001_q2.bound
added theorem imo2001_q2.denom_pos
added theorem imo2001_q2.imo2001_q2'
added theorem imo2001_q2
deleted theorem imo.four_pow_four_pos
deleted theorem imo.imo2006_q3
deleted theorem imo.lhs_identity
deleted theorem imo.lhs_ineq
deleted theorem imo.mid_ineq
deleted theorem imo.proof₁
deleted theorem imo.proof₂
deleted theorem imo.rhs_ineq
deleted theorem imo.subst_proof₁
deleted theorem imo.subst_wlog
deleted theorem imo.zero_lt_32
added theorem imo2006_q3.lhs_ineq
added theorem imo2006_q3.mid_ineq
added theorem imo2006_q3.proof₁
added theorem imo2006_q3.proof₂
added theorem imo2006_q3.rhs_ineq
added theorem imo2006_q3.subst_wlog
added theorem imo2006_q3.zero_lt_32
added theorem imo2006_q3
deleted theorem imo.imo2008_q3
deleted theorem imo.p_lemma
added theorem imo2008_q3.p_lemma
added theorem imo2008_q3
deleted theorem imo.arith_lemma
deleted theorem imo.imo2013_q1
deleted theorem imo.prod_lemma
added theorem imo2013_q1.arith_lemma
added theorem imo2013_q1.prod_lemma
added theorem imo2013_q1
deleted theorem imo.imo2019_q2
deleted theorem imo.imo2019q2_cfg.A_ne_B
deleted theorem imo.imo2019q2_cfg.A_ne_C
deleted theorem imo.imo2019q2_cfg.B_ne_C
deleted theorem imo.imo2019q2_cfg.Q_ne_B
deleted theorem imo.imo2019q2_cfg.result
deleted theorem imo.imo2019q2_cfg.symm_ω
deleted structure imo.imo2019q2_cfg
added structure imo2019_q2.imo2019q2_cfg
added theorem imo2019_q2