Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2019-09-22 04:34 61ccaf65

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chore(*): fix various issues reported by sanity_check_mathlib (#1469)

  • chore(*): fix various issues reported by sanity_check_mathlib
  • Drop a misleading comment, fix the proof

Estimated changes

added theorem div_nonneg
deleted def div_nonneg
added theorem div_pos
deleted def div_pos
added theorem half_lt_self
deleted def half_lt_self
modified theorem imp_intro
added def not.elim
deleted theorem not.elim
modified theorem not_of_not_imp
added theorem poly.ext
deleted def poly.ext
added theorem poly.induction
deleted def poly.induction
added theorem poly.isp
deleted def poly.isp