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Commit 2022-09-30 13:10 699c2cab

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feat(analysis/convex/between): betweenness in affine spaces (#16191) Define the notions of (weak and strict) betweenness for points in affine spaces over an ordered ring, for use in describing geometrical configurations. Until convexity is refactored to support abstract affine combination spaces, this means having a definition affine_segment that duplicates segment in the affine space case (and is proved to equal segment when the affine space is a module considered as an affine space over itself). However, the bulk of results concern betweenness, not affine_segment, and so would be just as relevant after such a refactor, even if some of the proofs would change, and indeed most of the things stated about affine_segment involve +ᵥ and -ᵥ and so would still be meaningful results, distinct from those already present for segment, after such a refactor (at which point they might apply for whatever typeclass describes an add_torsor for a module that is also an abstract affine combination space where the two affine combination structures agree). So I think the actual duplication here is minimal and defining affine_segment is a reasonable approach to allow betweenness to be handled in affine spaces now rather than making it depend on a possible future refactor. There are certainly more things that could sensibly be stated about betweenness (e.g. various forms of Pasch's axiom), but I think this is a reasonable starting point. One thing I definitely intend to add in a followup is notions of two points being (weakly or strictly) on the same side or opposite sides of an affine subspace (e.g. a line); I think it will probably be most convenient to define those notions in terms of same_ray and then prove appropriate results about how they relate to betweenness for points.

Estimated changes

added def affine_segment
added theorem affine_segment_comm
added theorem affine_segment_image
added theorem not_sbtw_self
added theorem not_sbtw_self_left
added theorem not_sbtw_self_right
added theorem sbtw.left_ne
added theorem sbtw.left_ne_right
added theorem sbtw.mem_image_Ioo
added theorem sbtw.ne_left
added theorem sbtw.ne_right
added theorem sbtw.not_rotate
added theorem sbtw.not_swap_left
added theorem sbtw.not_swap_right
added theorem sbtw.right_ne
added theorem sbtw.trans_left
added theorem sbtw.trans_left_right
added theorem sbtw.trans_right
added theorem sbtw.trans_right_left
added theorem sbtw.wbtw
added def sbtw
added theorem sbtw_comm
added theorem sbtw_const_vadd_iff
added theorem sbtw_const_vsub_iff
added theorem sbtw_vadd_const_iff
added theorem sbtw_vsub_const_iff
added theorem wbtw.collinear
added theorem
added theorem wbtw.rotate_iff
added theorem wbtw.swap_left_iff
added theorem wbtw.swap_right_iff
added theorem wbtw.trans_left
added theorem wbtw.trans_left_right
added theorem wbtw.trans_right
added theorem wbtw.trans_right_left
added theorem wbtw.trans_sbtw_left
added theorem wbtw.trans_sbtw_right
added def wbtw
added theorem wbtw_comm
added theorem wbtw_const_vadd_iff
added theorem wbtw_const_vsub_iff
added theorem wbtw_rotate_iff
added theorem wbtw_self_iff
added theorem wbtw_self_left
added theorem wbtw_self_right
added theorem wbtw_swap_left_iff
added theorem wbtw_swap_right_iff
added theorem wbtw_vadd_const_iff
added theorem wbtw_vsub_const_iff