Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-11-09 06:40 6a5a6494

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chore(field_theory): move polynomial.splits to a new file (#17354) I noticed a lot of files use polynomial.splits without needing splitting_field. Since the definition of splits has a lot less dependencies than splitting_field, splitting the splitting field file hopefully helps recompilation a bit. The new files are:

  • data.polynomial.splits: definition of polynomial.splits and all lemmas not mentioning (is_)splitting_field
  • ring_theory.adjoin.field: some auxiliary lemmas on adjoining elements to a ring that are also used outside of field_theory.splitting_field

Estimated changes

added theorem polynomial.roots_map
added theorem polynomial.splits.def
added theorem polynomial.splits_C
added theorem polynomial.splits_X
added theorem polynomial.splits_iff
added theorem polynomial.splits_mul
added theorem polynomial.splits_one
added theorem polynomial.splits_pow
added theorem polynomial.splits_prod
added theorem polynomial.splits_zero
deleted theorem lift_of_splits
deleted theorem polynomial.image_root_set
deleted theorem polynomial.roots_map
deleted theorem polynomial.splits.def
deleted def polynomial.splits
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_C
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_X
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_X_pow
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_X_sub_C
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_iff
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_map_iff
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_mul
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_mul_iff
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_one
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_pow
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_prod
deleted theorem polynomial.splits_zero