Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-12-04 17:00 9b2660e1

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feat(algebra/order/zero_le_one): generalize lemmas (#17465) Lemmas with reduced typeclass assumptions: zero_lt_one zero_lt_two zero_lt_three zero_lt_four and their explicit version lt_one_add lt_add_one one_lt_two Removed lemmas: ordinal.zero_lt_one cardinal.zero_lt_one zero_lt_one₀ part_enat.zero_lt_one Most of other diffs are just simply replace @lemma with new lemmas

Estimated changes

added theorem lt_add_one
added theorem lt_one_add
added theorem one_lt_two
added theorem zero_lt_four'
added theorem zero_lt_four
added theorem zero_lt_one'
added theorem zero_lt_one
added theorem zero_lt_three'
added theorem zero_lt_three
added theorem zero_lt_two'
added theorem zero_lt_two
modified theorem bit1_pos
deleted theorem lt_add_one
deleted theorem lt_one_add
deleted theorem one_lt_two
deleted theorem zero_lt_four'
deleted theorem zero_lt_four
deleted theorem zero_lt_one'
deleted theorem zero_lt_one
deleted theorem zero_lt_three'
deleted theorem zero_lt_three
deleted theorem zero_lt_two'
deleted theorem zero_lt_two