Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2017-07-24 00:42 aa78466d

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refactor(*): move in some nat lemmas and other lemmas from init

Estimated changes

added theorem int.abs_div_le_abs
added theorem int.add_mod_mod
added theorem int.add_mod_self
added theorem int.add_mod_self_left
added theorem int.add_mul_mod_self
added theorem int.bit0_val
added theorem int.bit1_val
added theorem int.bit_coe_nat
added theorem int.bit_decomp
added theorem int.bit_neg_succ
added theorem int.bit_val
added theorem int.bit_zero
added theorem int.bitwise_and
added theorem int.bitwise_bit
added theorem int.bitwise_diff
added theorem int.bitwise_or
added theorem int.bitwise_xor
added theorem int.bodd_add
added theorem int.bodd_add_div2
added theorem int.bodd_bit
added theorem int.bodd_mul
added theorem int.bodd_neg
added theorem int.bodd_neg_of_nat
added theorem int.bodd_one
added theorem int.bodd_sub_nat_nat
added theorem int.bodd_two
added theorem int.bodd_zero
added theorem int.div2_bit
added theorem int.div2_val
added theorem int.div_dvd_div
added theorem int.div_eq_zero_of_lt
added theorem int.div_le_self
added theorem int.div_neg'
added theorem int.div_of_neg_of_pos
added theorem int.dvd_antisymm
added theorem int.dvd_of_mod_eq_zero
added theorem int.eq_one_of_dvd_one
added theorem int.land_bit
added theorem int.ldiff_bit
added theorem int.le_of_dvd
added theorem int.lnot_bit
added theorem int.lor_bit
added theorem int.lxor_bit
added theorem int.mod_abs
added theorem int.mod_add_div
added theorem int.mod_add_div_aux
added theorem int.mod_add_mod
added theorem int.mod_def
added theorem int.mod_eq_of_lt
added theorem int.mod_eq_zero_of_dvd
added theorem int.mod_lt
added theorem int.mod_lt_of_pos
added theorem int.mod_neg
added theorem int.mod_nonneg
added theorem int.mod_one
added theorem int.mod_self
added theorem int.mod_zero
added theorem int.mul_div_mul_of_pos
added theorem int.mul_mod_left
added theorem int.mul_mod_mul_of_pos
added theorem int.mul_mod_right
added theorem int.neg_div_of_dvd
added theorem int.of_nat_div
added theorem int.of_nat_mod
added theorem int.one_shiftl
added theorem int.shiftl_add
added theorem int.shiftl_coe_nat
added theorem int.shiftl_eq_mul_pow
added theorem int.shiftl_neg
added theorem int.shiftl_neg_succ
added theorem int.shiftl_sub
added theorem int.shiftr_add
added theorem int.shiftr_coe_nat
added theorem int.shiftr_eq_div_pow
added theorem int.shiftr_neg
added theorem int.shiftr_neg_succ
added theorem int.test_bit_bitwise
added theorem int.test_bit_land
added theorem int.test_bit_ldiff
added theorem int.test_bit_lnot
added theorem int.test_bit_lor
added theorem int.test_bit_lxor
added theorem int.test_bit_succ
added theorem int.test_bit_zero
added theorem int.zero_mod
added theorem int.zero_shiftl
added theorem int.zero_shiftr
added def int.{u}
deleted theorem neg_nat_succ
deleted theorem neg_pred
deleted theorem neg_succ
deleted theorem neg_succ_of_nat_eq'
deleted theorem of_nat_sub
deleted def pred
deleted theorem pred_nat_succ
deleted theorem pred_neg_pred
deleted theorem pred_succ
deleted def rec_nat_on
deleted theorem rec_nat_on_neg
deleted def succ
deleted theorem succ_neg_nat_succ
deleted theorem succ_neg_succ
deleted theorem succ_pred
deleted theorem list.append.assoc
added theorem list.append_foldl
added theorem list.append_foldr
added theorem list.append_inj
added theorem list.append_inj_left
added theorem list.append_inj_right
added theorem list.append_right_inj
added theorem list.cons_head_tail
modified theorem list.cons_ne_nil
added theorem list.cons_sublist_cons
added theorem list.eq_of_map_const
added theorem list.exists_of_mem_map
added theorem list.ext
added theorem list.ext_le
added theorem list.filter_subset
added theorem list.foldl_hom
added theorem list.foldl_map
added theorem list.foldr_eta
added theorem list.foldr_hom
added theorem list.foldr_map
added theorem list.head_append
added theorem list.infix_append
added theorem list.infix_of_prefix
added theorem list.infix_of_suffix
added theorem list.infix_refl
modified def list.inth
deleted theorem list.inth_succ
deleted theorem list.inth_zero
deleted def list.ith
deleted theorem list.ith_succ
deleted theorem list.ith_zero
added theorem list.last_append
added theorem list.last_concat
added theorem list.last_cons
added theorem list.length_map₂
added theorem list.length_pos_of_mem
added theorem list.length_remove_nth
added theorem list.length_reverse
added theorem list.length_take
added theorem list.length_take_le
deleted theorem list.length_taken_le
added theorem list.map_id'
added theorem list.map_reverse
added theorem list.mem_bind
added theorem list.mem_bind_iff
added theorem list.mem_filter_of_mem
added theorem list.mem_inits
added theorem list.mem_join
added theorem list.mem_join_iff
added theorem list.mem_map
added theorem list.mem_map_iff
added theorem list.mem_of_mem_filter
added theorem list.mem_of_ne_of_mem
added theorem list.mem_reverse
added theorem list.mem_singleton
added theorem list.mem_singleton_iff
added theorem list.mem_split
added theorem list.mem_sublists
added theorem list.mem_tails
added theorem list.nil_sublist
added theorem list.not_mem_append
deleted theorem list.nth_eq_some
added theorem list.nth_ge_len
added theorem list.nth_le_nth
added theorem list.nth_le_reverse
added theorem list.of_mem_filter
added theorem list.prefix_append
added theorem list.prefix_refl
added theorem list.reverse_append
added theorem list.reverse_cons
added theorem list.reverse_nil
added theorem list.reverse_reverse
added theorem list.reverse_singleton
added theorem list.scanr_aux_cons
added theorem list.scanr_cons
added theorem list.scanr_nil
added theorem list.span_eq_take_drop
added theorem list.sublist.refl
added theorem list.sublist.trans
added theorem list.sublist_cons
added theorem list.sublist_of_infix
added theorem list.subset_of_sublist
added theorem list.suffix_append
added theorem list.suffix_refl
added theorem list.take_all
added theorem list.take_all_of_ge
added theorem list.take_append_drop
added theorem list.take_cons
added theorem list.take_nil
added theorem list.take_take
added theorem list.take_zero
deleted theorem list.taken_all
deleted theorem list.taken_all_of_ge
deleted theorem list.taken_cons
deleted theorem list.taken_nil
deleted theorem list.taken_zero
deleted def iterate
added theorem nat.add_div_left
added theorem nat.add_div_right
added theorem nat.add_mod_left
added theorem nat.add_mod_right
added theorem nat.add_mul_div_left
added theorem nat.add_mul_div_right
deleted theorem nat.add_one
added theorem nat.binary_rec_eq
added theorem nat.bitwise_bit
added theorem nat.bitwise_bit_aux
added theorem nat.bitwise_swap
added theorem nat.bitwise_zero
added theorem nat.bitwise_zero_left
added theorem nat.bitwise_zero_right
added theorem nat.bodd_bit
modified theorem nat.discriminate
added theorem nat.div2_bit
added theorem nat.div_mul_le_self
added theorem nat.dvd_antisymm
added theorem nat.dvd_mod_iff
added theorem nat.dvd_of_mod_eq_zero
added theorem nat.dvd_sub
added theorem nat.eq_one_of_dvd_one
added def nat.iterate
added theorem nat.land_bit
added theorem nat.ldiff_bit
added theorem nat.le_lt_antisymm
added theorem nat.le_mul_self
added theorem nat.le_of_dvd
added theorem nat.le_succ_of_pred_le
added theorem nat.lor_bit
added theorem nat.lt_le_antisymm
added theorem nat.lt_succ_of_lt
added theorem nat.lxor_bit
added theorem nat.min_succ_succ
added theorem nat.mod_eq_zero_of_dvd
added theorem nat.mod_le
added theorem nat.mod_pow_succ
added theorem nat.mul_div_left
added theorem nat.mul_div_right
added theorem nat.mul_mod_left
added theorem nat.mul_mod_mul_left
added theorem nat.mul_mod_mul_right
added theorem nat.mul_mod_right
added theorem nat.mul_pred_left
added theorem nat.mul_pred_right
added theorem nat.mul_sub_div
added def nat.one_pos
added theorem nat.one_shiftl
added theorem nat.pos_of_dvd_of_pos
added theorem nat.pos_pow_of_pos
added theorem nat.pow_one
added theorem nat.pred_inj
added theorem nat.shiftl'_add
added theorem nat.shiftl'_sub
added theorem nat.shiftl_add
added theorem nat.shiftl_eq_mul_pow
added theorem nat.shiftl_sub
added theorem nat.shiftr_add
added theorem nat.shiftr_eq_div_pow
added theorem nat.sub_add_min_cancel
added theorem nat.sub_eq_sub_min
added theorem nat.sub_mul_div
added theorem nat.sub_mul_mod
added theorem nat.sub_one_sub_lt
added theorem nat.succ_mul_succ_eq
added theorem nat.succ_sub
added theorem nat.succ_sub_sub_succ
added theorem nat.test_bit_bitwise
added theorem nat.test_bit_land
added theorem nat.test_bit_ldiff
added theorem nat.test_bit_lor
added theorem nat.test_bit_lxor
added theorem nat.test_bit_succ
added theorem nat.test_bit_zero
added theorem nat.zero_pow
added theorem nat.zero_shiftl
added theorem nat.zero_shiftr