Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-10-29 19:28 ccc98d0a

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refactor(*): midpoint, point_reflection, and Mazur-Ulam in affine spaces (#4752)

  • redefine midpoint for points in an affine space;
  • redefine point_reflection for affine spaces (as equiv, affine_equiv, and isometric);
  • define const_vsub as equiv, affine_equiv, and isometric;
  • define affine_map.of_map_midpoint;
  • fully migrate the proof of Mazur-Ulam theorem to affine spaces;

Estimated changes

deleted def midpoint
deleted theorem midpoint_add_add
deleted theorem midpoint_add_left
deleted theorem midpoint_add_right
deleted theorem midpoint_add_self
deleted theorem midpoint_comm
deleted theorem midpoint_def
deleted theorem midpoint_eq_iff
deleted theorem midpoint_neg_neg
deleted theorem midpoint_self
deleted theorem midpoint_smul_smul
deleted theorem midpoint_sub_left
deleted theorem midpoint_sub_right
deleted theorem midpoint_sub_sub
deleted theorem midpoint_unique
deleted theorem midpoint_zero_add