Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-08-17 15:28 d4cb2372

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feat(algebra/module): define ordered semimodules and generalize convexity of functions (#3728)

Estimated changes

modified theorem convex_on.add
modified theorem convex_on.comp_affine_map
modified theorem convex_on.comp_linear_map
modified theorem convex_on.convex_epigraph
modified theorem convex_on.convex_le
modified theorem convex_on.convex_lt
modified theorem convex_on.le_on_segment'
modified theorem convex_on.le_on_segment
modified theorem convex_on.smul
modified theorem convex_on.subset
modified theorem convex_on.translate_left
modified theorem convex_on.translate_right
modified def convex_on
modified theorem convex_on_const
deleted theorem convex_on_iff_div:
added theorem convex_on_iff_div