Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2023-03-21 19:41 dd6388c4

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chore(analysis/calculus/cont_diff): split into two files (#18627) The file cont_diff.lean takes 3824 lines. We cut it into two files, cont_diff_def.lean and cont_diff.lean, the former (of 1597 lines) containing general definitions and the latter (of 2264 lines) containing results on the preservation of smoothness by the usual operations and various API extensions that depend on these. There is no single change in maths or code, this is purely a split PR.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem cont_diff.cont_diff_at
deleted theorem cont_diff.cont_diff_on
deleted theorem cont_diff.continuous
deleted theorem cont_diff.differentiable
deleted theorem cont_diff.of_le
deleted theorem cont_diff.of_succ
deleted theorem cont_diff.one_of_succ
deleted def cont_diff
deleted theorem cont_diff_all_iff_nat
deleted theorem cont_diff_at.of_le
deleted def cont_diff_at
deleted theorem cont_diff_at_one_iff
deleted theorem cont_diff_at_top
deleted theorem cont_diff_at_zero
deleted theorem cont_diff_on.congr
deleted theorem cont_diff_on.congr_mono
deleted theorem cont_diff_on.mono
deleted theorem cont_diff_on.of_le
deleted theorem cont_diff_on.of_succ
deleted theorem cont_diff_on.one_of_succ
deleted def cont_diff_on
deleted theorem cont_diff_on_all_iff_nat
deleted theorem cont_diff_on_congr
deleted theorem cont_diff_on_top
deleted theorem cont_diff_on_univ
deleted theorem cont_diff_on_zero
deleted theorem cont_diff_one_iff_fderiv
deleted theorem cont_diff_succ_iff_fderiv
deleted theorem cont_diff_top
deleted theorem cont_diff_top_iff_fderiv
deleted theorem cont_diff_within_at.congr
deleted theorem cont_diff_within_at.mono
deleted theorem cont_diff_within_at.of_le
deleted def cont_diff_within_at
deleted theorem cont_diff_within_at_inter
deleted theorem cont_diff_within_at_nat
deleted theorem cont_diff_within_at_top
deleted theorem cont_diff_within_at_univ
deleted theorem cont_diff_within_at_zero
deleted theorem cont_diff_zero
deleted theorem fderiv_iterated_fderiv
deleted def ftaylor_series
deleted structure has_ftaylor_series_up_to
deleted structure has_ftaylor_series_up_to_on
deleted theorem iterated_fderiv_one_apply
deleted theorem norm_iterated_fderiv_zero
added theorem cont_diff.cont_diff_at
added theorem cont_diff.cont_diff_on
added theorem cont_diff.continuous
added theorem cont_diff.of_le
added theorem cont_diff.of_succ
added theorem cont_diff.one_of_succ
added def cont_diff
added theorem cont_diff_all_iff_nat
added theorem cont_diff_at.of_le
added def cont_diff_at
added theorem cont_diff_at_one_iff
added theorem cont_diff_at_top
added theorem cont_diff_at_zero
added theorem cont_diff_on.congr
added theorem cont_diff_on.mono
added theorem cont_diff_on.of_le
added theorem cont_diff_on.of_succ
added def cont_diff_on
added theorem cont_diff_on_congr
added theorem cont_diff_on_top
added theorem cont_diff_on_univ
added theorem cont_diff_on_zero
added theorem cont_diff_top
added theorem cont_diff_zero
added theorem fderiv_iterated_fderiv
added def ftaylor_series
added structure has_ftaylor_series_up_to