Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-11-28 22:06 dfa98e0e

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chore(algebra/opposites): split out lemmas about rings and groups (#10457) All these lemmas are just moved. The advantage of this is that algebra.opposites becomes a much lighter-weight import, allowing us to use the has_mul and has_scalar instance on opposite types earlier in the import hierarchy. It also matches how we structure the instances on prod and pi types. This follows on from #10383

Estimated changes

deleted def add_equiv.op
deleted def add_equiv.unop
deleted def add_monoid_hom.op
deleted theorem add_monoid_hom.op_ext
deleted def add_monoid_hom.unop
deleted def monoid_hom.op
deleted def monoid_hom.unop
deleted def mul_equiv.inv'
deleted def mul_equiv.op
deleted def mul_equiv.unop
deleted theorem mul_opposite.commute.op
deleted theorem mul_opposite.commute.unop
deleted theorem mul_opposite.commute_op
deleted theorem mul_opposite.commute_unop
deleted def ring_hom.op
deleted def ring_hom.unop
deleted theorem units.coe_op_equiv_symm
deleted theorem units.coe_unop_op_equiv
deleted def units.op_equiv