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Commit 2018-01-26 02:52 f46d32b0

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feat(algebra/archimedean): generalize real thms to archimedean fields

Estimated changes

added theorem archimedean_iff_nat_le
added theorem archimedean_iff_nat_lt
added theorem archimedean_iff_rat_le
added theorem archimedean_iff_rat_lt
added def ceil
added theorem ceil_add_int
added theorem ceil_coe
added theorem ceil_le
added theorem ceil_lt_add_one
added theorem ceil_mono
added theorem ceil_sub_int
added theorem exists_floor
added theorem exists_int_gt
added theorem exists_int_lt
added theorem exists_nat_gt
added theorem exists_pos_rat_lt
added theorem exists_rat_btwn
added theorem exists_rat_gt
added theorem exists_rat_lt
added theorem exists_rat_near
added def floor
added theorem floor_add_int
added theorem floor_coe
added theorem floor_le
added theorem floor_lt
added theorem floor_mono
added theorem floor_nonneg
added theorem floor_sub_int
added theorem le_ceil
added theorem le_floor
added theorem lt_ceil
added theorem lt_floor_add_one
added theorem lt_succ_floor
added theorem sub_one_lt_floor
added theorem add_monoid.one_smul
added theorem add_monoid.smul_eq_mul
added theorem add_monoid.smul_nonneg
added theorem gsmul_eq_mul'
added theorem gsmul_eq_mul
added theorem mul_gsmul_assoc
added theorem mul_gsmul_right
added theorem one_le_pow_of_one_le
added theorem pow_ge_one_add_mul
added theorem pow_ge_one_add_sub_mul
deleted theorem pow_ge_one_of_ge_one
modified theorem pow_nonneg
modified theorem pow_pos
added theorem rat.coe_int_denom
added theorem rat.coe_int_num
added theorem rat.coe_nat_denom
added theorem rat.coe_nat_num
deleted theorem real.ceil_add_int
deleted theorem real.ceil_coe
deleted theorem real.ceil_le
deleted theorem real.ceil_lt_add_one
deleted theorem real.ceil_mono
deleted theorem real.ceil_sub_int
deleted theorem real.exists_int_gt
deleted theorem real.exists_int_lt
deleted theorem real.exists_nat_gt
deleted theorem real.exists_pos_rat_lt
deleted theorem real.exists_rat_btwn
deleted theorem real.exists_rat_gt
deleted theorem real.exists_rat_lt
deleted theorem real.exists_rat_near'
deleted theorem real.exists_rat_near
deleted theorem real.floor_add_int
deleted theorem real.floor_coe
deleted theorem real.floor_le
deleted theorem real.floor_lt
deleted theorem real.floor_mono
deleted theorem real.floor_nonneg
deleted theorem real.floor_sub_int
deleted theorem real.le_ceil
deleted theorem real.le_floor
modified theorem real.le_mk_of_forall_le
deleted theorem real.lt_ceil
deleted theorem real.lt_floor_add_one
deleted theorem real.lt_succ_floor
modified theorem real.mk_le_of_forall_le
modified theorem real.mk_near_of_forall_near
deleted theorem real.sub_one_lt_floor