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Commit 2022-11-06 23:41 f7707875

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refactor(*): supremum of several recent refactoring PRs (#17381) This is the supremum of

Estimated changes

added theorem abs_abs
added theorem abs_add'
added theorem abs_add
added theorem abs_add_three
added theorem abs_by_cases
added theorem abs_choice
added theorem abs_eq
added theorem abs_eq_abs
added theorem abs_eq_max_neg
added theorem abs_eq_sup_inv
added theorem abs_eq_zero
added theorem abs_le'
added theorem abs_le
added theorem abs_le_abs
added theorem abs_le_abs_of_nonneg
added theorem abs_le_abs_of_nonpos
added theorem abs_le_max_abs_abs
added theorem abs_lt
added theorem abs_max_le_max_abs_abs
added theorem abs_min_le_max_abs_abs
added theorem abs_neg
added theorem abs_nonneg
added theorem abs_nonpos_iff
added theorem abs_of_neg
added theorem abs_of_nonneg
added theorem abs_of_nonpos
added theorem abs_of_pos
added theorem abs_pos
added theorem abs_pos_of_neg
added theorem abs_pos_of_pos
added theorem abs_sub
added theorem abs_sub_abs_le_abs_sub
added theorem abs_sub_comm
added theorem abs_sub_le
added theorem abs_sub_le_iff
added theorem abs_sub_lt_iff
added theorem abs_zero
added theorem add_abs_nonneg
added theorem eq_of_abs_sub_eq_zero
added theorem eq_of_abs_sub_nonpos
added theorem eq_or_eq_neg_of_abs_eq
added theorem le_abs'
added theorem le_abs
added theorem le_abs_self
added theorem le_of_abs_le
added theorem lt_abs
added theorem lt_of_abs_lt
added theorem max_sub_min_eq_abs'
added theorem max_sub_min_eq_abs
added theorem min_abs_abs_le_abs_max
added theorem min_abs_abs_le_abs_min
added theorem neg_abs_le_neg
added theorem neg_abs_le_self
added theorem neg_le_abs_self
added theorem neg_le_of_abs_le
added theorem neg_lt_of_abs_lt
deleted theorem abs_abs
deleted theorem abs_add'
deleted theorem abs_add
deleted theorem abs_add_three
deleted theorem abs_by_cases
deleted theorem abs_choice
deleted theorem abs_eq
deleted theorem abs_eq_abs
deleted theorem abs_eq_max_neg
deleted theorem abs_eq_sup_inv
deleted theorem abs_eq_zero
deleted theorem abs_le'
deleted theorem abs_le
deleted theorem abs_le_abs
deleted theorem abs_le_abs_of_nonneg
deleted theorem abs_le_abs_of_nonpos
deleted theorem abs_le_max_abs_abs
deleted theorem abs_lt
deleted theorem abs_max_le_max_abs_abs
deleted theorem abs_max_sub_max_le_abs
deleted theorem abs_max_sub_max_le_max
deleted theorem abs_min_le_max_abs_abs
deleted theorem abs_min_sub_min_le_max
deleted theorem abs_neg
deleted theorem abs_nonneg
deleted theorem abs_nonpos_iff
deleted theorem abs_of_neg
deleted theorem abs_of_nonneg
deleted theorem abs_of_nonpos
deleted theorem abs_of_pos
deleted theorem abs_pos
deleted theorem abs_pos_of_neg
deleted theorem abs_pos_of_pos
deleted theorem abs_sub
deleted theorem abs_sub_abs_le_abs_sub
deleted theorem abs_sub_comm
deleted theorem abs_sub_le
deleted theorem abs_sub_le_iff
deleted theorem abs_sub_lt_iff
deleted theorem abs_zero
deleted theorem add_abs_nonneg
deleted theorem dist_bdd_within_interval
deleted theorem eq_of_abs_sub_eq_zero
deleted theorem eq_of_abs_sub_nonpos
deleted theorem eq_or_eq_neg_of_abs_eq
deleted theorem le_abs'
deleted theorem le_abs
deleted theorem le_abs_self
deleted theorem le_of_abs_le
deleted theorem lt_abs
deleted theorem lt_of_abs_lt
deleted theorem max_div_div_left'
deleted theorem max_div_div_right'
deleted theorem max_inv_inv'
deleted theorem max_sub_max_le_max
deleted theorem max_sub_min_eq_abs'
deleted theorem max_sub_min_eq_abs
deleted theorem min_abs_abs_le_abs_max
deleted theorem min_abs_abs_le_abs_min
deleted theorem min_div_div_left'
deleted theorem min_div_div_right'
deleted theorem min_inv_inv'
deleted theorem neg_abs_le_neg
deleted theorem neg_abs_le_self
deleted theorem neg_le_abs_self
deleted theorem neg_le_of_abs_le
deleted theorem neg_lt_of_abs_lt
deleted theorem sub_le_of_abs_sub_le_left
deleted theorem sub_lt_of_abs_sub_lt_left
deleted theorem with_top.coe_neg
added theorem abs_cases
added theorem abs_dvd
added theorem abs_dvd_abs
added theorem abs_dvd_self
added theorem abs_eq_iff_mul_self_eq
added theorem abs_eq_neg_self
added theorem abs_eq_self
added def abs_hom
added theorem abs_le_iff_mul_self_le
added theorem abs_lt_iff_mul_self_lt
added theorem abs_mul
added theorem abs_mul_abs_self
added theorem abs_mul_self
added theorem abs_one
added theorem abs_sub_sq
added theorem abs_two
added theorem dvd_abs
added theorem self_dvd_abs
deleted theorem abs_cases
deleted theorem abs_dvd
deleted theorem abs_dvd_abs
deleted theorem abs_dvd_self
deleted theorem abs_eq_iff_mul_self_eq
deleted theorem abs_eq_neg_self
deleted theorem abs_eq_self
deleted def abs_hom
deleted theorem abs_le_iff_mul_self_le
deleted theorem abs_lt_iff_mul_self_lt
deleted theorem abs_mul
deleted theorem abs_mul_abs_self
deleted theorem abs_mul_self
deleted theorem abs_one
deleted theorem abs_sub_sq
deleted theorem abs_two
deleted theorem dvd_abs
deleted theorem mul_tsub
deleted theorem self_dvd_abs
deleted theorem tsub_mul
deleted theorem with_bot.bot_lt_mul
deleted theorem with_bot.bot_mul
deleted theorem with_bot.bot_mul_bot
deleted theorem with_bot.coe_mul
deleted theorem with_bot.mul_bot
deleted theorem with_bot.mul_coe
deleted theorem with_bot.mul_def
deleted theorem with_bot.mul_eq_bot_iff
deleted theorem with_top.coe_mul
deleted theorem with_top.mul_coe
deleted theorem with_top.mul_def
deleted theorem with_top.mul_eq_top_iff
deleted theorem with_top.mul_lt_top
deleted theorem with_top.mul_top
deleted theorem with_top.top_mul
deleted theorem with_top.top_mul_top
deleted theorem with_top.untop'_zero_mul
added theorem with_bot.bot_lt_mul
added theorem with_bot.bot_mul
added theorem with_bot.bot_mul_bot
added theorem with_bot.coe_mul
added theorem with_bot.mul_bot
added theorem with_bot.mul_coe
added theorem with_bot.mul_def
added theorem with_top.coe_mul
added theorem with_top.mul_coe
added theorem with_top.mul_def
added theorem with_top.mul_lt_top
added theorem with_top.mul_top
added theorem with_top.top_mul
added theorem with_top.top_mul_top
deleted theorem nat.nat_pred_succ_pnat
deleted def nat.succ_pnat
deleted theorem nat.succ_pnat_coe
deleted def nat.to_pnat'
deleted theorem nat.to_pnat'_coe
deleted def nat.to_pnat
deleted theorem pnat.coe_eq_one_iff
deleted theorem pnat.coe_injective
deleted theorem pnat.coe_le_coe
deleted theorem pnat.coe_lt_coe
deleted theorem pnat.coe_to_pnat'
deleted def pnat.div
deleted theorem pnat.div_coe
deleted def pnat.div_exact
deleted theorem pnat.eq
deleted theorem pnat.mk_coe
deleted theorem pnat.mk_le_mk
deleted theorem pnat.mk_lt_mk
deleted theorem pnat.mk_one
deleted def pnat.mod
deleted theorem pnat.mod_coe
deleted def pnat.mod_div
deleted def pnat.mod_div_aux
deleted def pnat.nat_pred
deleted theorem pnat.nat_pred_eq_pred
deleted theorem pnat.ne_zero
deleted theorem pnat.not_lt_one
deleted theorem pnat.one_coe
deleted theorem pnat.one_le
deleted theorem pnat.pos
deleted theorem pnat.succ_pnat_nat_pred
deleted theorem pnat.to_pnat'_coe
deleted def pnat
added theorem nat.nat_pred_succ_pnat
added def nat.succ_pnat
added theorem nat.succ_pnat_coe
added def nat.to_pnat'
added theorem nat.to_pnat'_coe
added def nat.to_pnat
added theorem pnat.coe_eq_one_iff
added theorem pnat.coe_injective
added theorem pnat.coe_le_coe
added theorem pnat.coe_lt_coe
added theorem pnat.coe_to_pnat'
added def pnat.div
added theorem pnat.div_coe
added def pnat.div_exact
added theorem pnat.eq
added theorem pnat.mk_coe
added theorem pnat.mk_le_mk
added theorem pnat.mk_lt_mk
added theorem pnat.mk_one
added def pnat.mod
added theorem pnat.mod_coe
added def pnat.mod_div
added def pnat.mod_div_aux
added def pnat.nat_pred
added theorem pnat.nat_pred_eq_pred
added theorem pnat.ne_zero
added theorem pnat.not_lt_one
added theorem pnat.one_coe
added theorem pnat.one_le
added theorem pnat.pos
added theorem pnat.to_pnat'_coe
added def pnat
deleted def order_iso.Ici_bot
deleted def order_iso.Iic_top
deleted theorem order_iso.image_Icc
deleted theorem order_iso.image_Ici
deleted theorem order_iso.image_Ico
deleted theorem order_iso.image_Iic
deleted theorem order_iso.image_Iio
deleted theorem order_iso.image_Ioc
deleted theorem order_iso.image_Ioi
deleted theorem order_iso.image_Ioo
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Icc
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ici
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ico
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Iic
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Iio
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ioc
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ioi
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ioo
deleted theorem set.add_mem_Icc_iff_left
deleted theorem set.add_mem_Icc_iff_right
deleted theorem set.add_mem_Ico_iff_left
deleted theorem set.add_mem_Ico_iff_right
deleted theorem set.add_mem_Ioc_iff_left
deleted theorem set.add_mem_Ioc_iff_right
deleted theorem set.add_mem_Ioo_iff_left
deleted theorem set.add_mem_Ioo_iff_right
deleted theorem set.inv_mem_Icc_iff
deleted theorem set.inv_mem_Ico_iff
deleted theorem set.inv_mem_Ioc_iff
deleted theorem set.inv_mem_Ioo_iff
deleted theorem set.mem_Icc_iff_abs_le
deleted theorem set.nonempty_Ico_sdiff
deleted theorem set.sub_mem_Icc_iff_left
deleted theorem set.sub_mem_Icc_iff_right
deleted theorem set.sub_mem_Ico_iff_left
deleted theorem set.sub_mem_Ico_iff_right
deleted theorem set.sub_mem_Ioc_iff_left
deleted theorem set.sub_mem_Ioc_iff_right
deleted theorem set.sub_mem_Ioo_iff_left
deleted theorem set.sub_mem_Ioo_iff_right
deleted theorem pairwise.mono
deleted theorem pairwise.set_pairwise
deleted def pairwise
deleted theorem set.pairwise.imp
deleted theorem set.pairwise.imp_on
deleted theorem set.pairwise.on_injective
deleted theorem set.pairwise_of_forall
modified theorem set.image_affine_Icc'
modified theorem set.image_mul_left_Icc'
modified theorem set.image_mul_left_Icc
modified theorem set.image_mul_left_Ioo
modified theorem set.image_mul_right_Icc'
modified theorem set.image_mul_right_Icc
modified theorem set.image_mul_right_Ioo
added theorem set.image_neg_interval
modified theorem set.inv_Ioi
modified theorem set.inv_Ioo_0_left
modified theorem set.preimage_const_mul_Icc
modified theorem set.preimage_const_mul_Ici
modified theorem set.preimage_const_mul_Ico
modified theorem set.preimage_const_mul_Iic
modified theorem set.preimage_const_mul_Iio
modified theorem set.preimage_const_mul_Ioc
modified theorem set.preimage_const_mul_Ioi
modified theorem set.preimage_const_mul_Ioo
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_const_Icc
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_const_Ici
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_const_Ico
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_const_Iic
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_const_Iio
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_const_Ioc
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_const_Ioi
modified theorem set.preimage_mul_const_Ioo