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Commit 2023-04-05 10:55 039a089d

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refactor(linear_algebra/dimension): use rank in lemma names instead of dim (#18741) The dim name is left from the previous name of the function, vector_space.dim. When that was merged with module.rank in #7322, we left renaming the existing lemmas as future work. This commit was made by replacing (\b|(?<=_))dim(\b|(?=_)) with rank in the dimension and finite_dimensional files, and then manually fixing downstream breakages; it's important not to rename power_basis.dim at the same time! Deciding whether to move some of these to the module namespace is left as future work, the diff is already big enough.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem dim_mul_dim'
deleted theorem dim_mul_dim
added theorem rank_mul_rank'
added theorem rank_mul_rank
deleted theorem basis.mk_eq_dim''
deleted theorem basis.mk_eq_dim
added theorem basis.mk_eq_rank''
added theorem basis.mk_eq_rank
deleted theorem basis.mk_range_eq_dim
added theorem basis.mk_range_eq_rank
deleted theorem dim_add_dim_split
deleted theorem dim_add_le_dim_add_dim
deleted theorem dim_bot
deleted theorem dim_eq_card_basis
deleted theorem dim_eq_of_injective
deleted theorem dim_eq_of_surjective
deleted theorem dim_fin_fun
deleted theorem dim_fun'
deleted theorem dim_fun
deleted theorem dim_fun_eq_lift_mul
deleted theorem dim_le
deleted theorem dim_le_of_submodule
deleted theorem dim_le_one_iff
deleted theorem dim_map_le
deleted theorem dim_pi
deleted theorem dim_pos
deleted theorem dim_pos_iff_nontrivial
deleted theorem dim_prod
deleted theorem dim_punit
deleted theorem dim_quotient_add_dim
deleted theorem dim_quotient_le
deleted theorem dim_range_add_dim_ker
deleted theorem dim_range_le
deleted theorem dim_range_of_surjective
deleted theorem dim_self
deleted theorem dim_span
deleted theorem dim_span_le
deleted theorem dim_span_of_finset
deleted theorem dim_span_set
deleted theorem dim_submodule_le
deleted theorem dim_submodule_le_one_iff'
deleted theorem dim_submodule_le_one_iff
deleted theorem dim_subsingleton
deleted theorem dim_sup_add_dim_inf_eq
deleted theorem dim_top
deleted theorem dim_zero_iff
deleted theorem dim_zero_iff_forall_zero
deleted theorem finsupp.dim_eq
added theorem finsupp.rank_eq
deleted theorem lift_dim_map_le
deleted theorem lift_dim_range_le
added theorem lift_rank_map_le
added theorem lift_rank_range_le
deleted theorem linear_equiv.dim_eq
deleted theorem linear_equiv.dim_map_eq
deleted theorem linear_equiv.lift_dim_eq
added theorem linear_equiv.rank_eq
added theorem rank_add_rank_split
added theorem rank_bot
added theorem rank_eq_card_basis
added theorem rank_eq_of_injective
added theorem rank_eq_of_surjective
added theorem rank_fin_fun
added theorem rank_fun'
added theorem rank_fun
added theorem rank_fun_eq_lift_mul
added theorem rank_le
added theorem rank_le_of_submodule
added theorem rank_le_one_iff
added theorem rank_map_le
added theorem rank_pi
added theorem rank_pos
added theorem rank_prod
added theorem rank_punit
added theorem rank_quotient_add_rank
added theorem rank_quotient_le
added theorem rank_range_le
added theorem rank_self
added theorem rank_span
added theorem rank_span_le
added theorem rank_span_of_finset
added theorem rank_span_set
added theorem rank_submodule_le
added theorem rank_subsingleton
added theorem rank_top
added theorem rank_zero_iff
modified theorem {m}
deleted theorem bot_eq_top_of_dim_eq_zero
deleted theorem dim_eq_zero
added theorem rank_eq_zero
deleted theorem subalgebra.dim_eq_one_iff