Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-10-01 20:36 05ee42cf

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feat(order/circular): define circular orders (#9413) A circular order is the way to formalize positions on a circle. This is very foundational, as a good lot of the order-algebra-topology hierarchy has a circular analog.

Estimated changes

added theorem btw_cyclic
added theorem btw_cyclic_right
added theorem btw_iff_not_sbtw
added theorem btw_of_sbtw
added theorem btw_refl_left
added theorem btw_refl_left_right
added theorem btw_refl_right
added theorem btw_rfl
added theorem btw_rfl_left
added theorem btw_rfl_left_right
added theorem btw_rfl_right
added theorem has_btw.btw.antisymm
added theorem not_btw_of_sbtw
added theorem not_sbtw_of_btw
added theorem sbtw_asymm
added theorem sbtw_cyclic
added theorem sbtw_cyclic_left
added theorem sbtw_cyclic_right
added theorem sbtw_iff_btw_not_btw
added theorem sbtw_iff_not_btw
added theorem sbtw_irrefl
added theorem sbtw_irrefl_left
added theorem sbtw_irrefl_left_right
added theorem sbtw_irrefl_right
added theorem sbtw_of_btw_not_btw
added theorem sbtw_trans_right
added def set.cIcc
added def set.cIoo
added theorem set.compl_cIcc
added theorem set.compl_cIoo
added theorem set.left_mem_cIcc
added theorem set.mem_cIcc
added theorem set.mem_cIoo
added theorem set.right_mem_cIcc