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Commit 2017-11-01 04:35 0663945f

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feat(data/num,data/multiset): more properties of binary numbers, begin multisets

Estimated changes

added theorem multiset.add_cons
added theorem multiset.add_sub_of_le
added def multiset.card
added theorem multiset.card_add
added theorem multiset.card_cons
added theorem multiset.card_empty
added theorem multiset.card_le_of_le
added theorem multiset.card_lt_of_lt
added theorem multiset.card_range
added theorem multiset.card_zero
added theorem multiset.coe_add
added theorem multiset.coe_card
added theorem multiset.coe_eq_coe
added theorem multiset.coe_erase
added theorem multiset.coe_foldl
added theorem multiset.coe_foldr
added theorem multiset.coe_join
added theorem multiset.coe_le
added theorem multiset.coe_reverse
added theorem multiset.coe_sub
added def multiset.cons
added theorem multiset.cons_coe
added theorem multiset.cons_inj_left
added theorem multiset.cons_le_cons
added theorem multiset.cons_swap
added theorem multiset.empty_inter
added theorem multiset.empty_subset
added theorem multiset.eq_cons_erase
added def multiset.erase
added theorem multiset.erase_comm
added theorem multiset.erase_empty
added theorem multiset.erase_insert
added theorem multiset.erase_le
added theorem multiset.erase_subset
added theorem multiset.erase_zero
added theorem multiset.filter_false
added theorem multiset.filter_filter
added theorem multiset.filter_subset
added theorem multiset.filter_union
added def multiset.foldl
added theorem multiset.foldl_swap
added def multiset.foldr
added theorem multiset.foldr_swap
added theorem multiset.image_empty
added theorem multiset.image_filter
added theorem multiset.image_id
added theorem multiset.image_image
added theorem multiset.image_insert
added theorem multiset.image_inter
added theorem multiset.image_union
added theorem multiset.insert_erase
added theorem multiset.inter_assoc
added theorem multiset.inter_comm
added theorem multiset.inter_empty
added theorem multiset.inter_self
added def multiset.join
added theorem multiset.le_add_left
added theorem multiset.le_add_right
added theorem multiset.le_cons_self
added theorem multiset.lt_cons_self
added def
added def multiset.mem
added theorem multiset.mem_coe
added theorem multiset.mem_cons
added theorem multiset.mem_cons_self
added theorem multiset.mem_erase
added theorem multiset.mem_filter
added theorem multiset.mem_image_iff
added theorem multiset.mem_inter
added theorem multiset.mem_map
added theorem multiset.mem_of_le
added theorem multiset.mem_of_subset
added theorem multiset.mem_range
added theorem multiset.mem_sdiff_iff
added theorem multiset.mem_singleton
added theorem multiset.not_mem_empty
added theorem multiset.not_mem_erase
added def
added def multiset.range
added theorem multiset.range_subset
added theorem multiset.range_succ
added theorem multiset.range_zero
added theorem multiset.singleton_add
added theorem multiset.singleton_coe
added theorem multiset.singleton_inj
added theorem multiset.sub_cons
added theorem multiset.sub_zero
added theorem multiset.subset.refl
added theorem multiset.subset.trans
added theorem multiset.subset_iff
added theorem multiset.subset_inter
added theorem multiset.subset_of_le
added def multiset.sum
added theorem multiset.zero_le
added def {u}
added def nat.ppred
added theorem nat.ppred_eq_none
added theorem nat.ppred_eq_pred
added theorem nat.ppred_eq_some
added theorem nat.pred_eq_ppred
added def nat.psub
added theorem nat.psub_add
added theorem nat.psub_eq_none
added theorem nat.psub_eq_some
added theorem nat.psub_eq_sub
added theorem nat.size_one
added theorem nat.sub_eq_psub
modified theorem nat.cast_bit0
modified theorem nat.cast_bit1
deleted def num.of_nat
added def num.of_znum'
added def num.of_znum
added def num.ppred
added def num.psub
added def num.sub'
added def num.to_znum_neg
added def pos_num.of_znum'
added def pos_num.of_znum
modified def pos_num.pred'
modified def pos_num.pred
deleted def pos_num.psub
added def pos_num.sub'
modified theorem num.add_of_nat
added theorem num.add_one
added theorem num.add_to_nat
added theorem num.add_to_znum
added theorem num.bit0_of_bit0
added theorem num.bit1_of_bit1
deleted theorem num.cast_add
deleted theorem num.cast_cmp'
deleted theorem num.cast_cmp
modified theorem num.cast_one
added theorem num.cast_sub'
modified theorem num.cast_succ'
added theorem num.cast_to_int
added theorem num.cast_to_nat
added theorem num.cast_to_znum
added theorem num.cast_to_znum_neg
modified theorem num.cast_zero
added theorem num.cmp_to_nat
added theorem num.le_to_nat
added theorem num.lt_to_nat
added theorem num.mul_to_nat
modified theorem num.of_nat_inj
added theorem num.of_nat_to_znum
added theorem num.of_nat_to_znum_neg
added theorem num.ppred_to_nat
added theorem num.succ'_to_nat
added theorem num.succ_to_nat
modified theorem num.to_nat_inj
added theorem num.zneg_to_znum
added theorem num.zneg_to_znum_neg
added theorem pos_num.add_to_nat
modified theorem pos_num.cast_add
deleted theorem pos_num.cast_add_comm
deleted theorem pos_num.cast_add_one_comm
added theorem pos_num.cast_bit0
added theorem pos_num.cast_bit1
deleted theorem pos_num.cast_cmp'
deleted theorem pos_num.cast_cmp
modified theorem pos_num.cast_mul
modified theorem pos_num.cast_one
added theorem pos_num.cast_sub'
modified theorem pos_num.cast_succ
added theorem pos_num.cast_to_int
added theorem pos_num.cast_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.cast_to_num
added theorem pos_num.cast_to_znum
added theorem pos_num.cmp_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.le_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.lt_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.mul_to_nat
modified theorem pos_num.of_to_nat
deleted theorem pos_num.one_add
modified theorem pos_num.one_le_cast
added theorem pos_num.one_sub'
added theorem pos_num.pred'_succ'
modified theorem pos_num.pred'_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.size_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.sub'_one
added theorem pos_num.succ'_pred'
added theorem pos_num.succ_to_nat
modified theorem pos_num.to_nat_inj
added theorem pos_num.to_nat_pos
added theorem znum.add_of_nat
added theorem znum.add_one
added theorem znum.add_zero
added theorem znum.bit0_of_bit0
added theorem znum.bit1_of_bit1
added theorem znum.cast_add
added theorem znum.cast_bit0
added theorem znum.cast_bit1
added theorem znum.cast_bitm1
added theorem znum.cast_neg
modified theorem znum.cast_one
added theorem znum.cast_pos
added theorem znum.cast_to_int
modified theorem znum.cast_zero
added theorem znum.cast_zneg
added theorem znum.neg_of_int
added theorem znum.neg_zero
added theorem znum.of_to_int
added theorem znum.zero_add
added theorem znum.zneg_bit1
added theorem znum.zneg_bitm1
added theorem znum.zneg_neg
added theorem znum.zneg_pos
added theorem znum.zneg_pred
added theorem znum.zneg_succ
added theorem znum.zneg_zneg
deleted theorem option.bind_none
modified theorem option.bind_some
added theorem option.none_bind
added theorem option.some_bind