Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-05-09 20:30 08d43163

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refactor(computability/turing_machine): add list_blank (#2605) This ended up being a major refactor of computability.turing_machine. It started as a change of the definition of turing machine so that the tape is a quotient of lists up to the relation "ends with blanks", but the file is quite old and I updated it to pass the linter as well. I'm not up to speed on the new documentation requirements, but now is a good time to request them for this file. This doesn't add many new theorems, it's mostly just fixes to make it compile again after the change. (Some of the turing machine constructions are also simplified.)

Estimated changes

modified def
modified def turing.TM0.eval
modified theorem turing.TM0.machine.map_step
modified theorem turing.TM0.map_init
modified def
modified def turing.TM1.eval
modified def turing.TM1to1.tr_tape
deleted inductive turing.TM2to1.stackel
modified theorem turing.TM2to1.supports_run
modified theorem turing.TM2to1.tr_normal_run
modified def turing.TM2to1.Γ'
added theorem turing.blank_rel.refl
added theorem turing.blank_rel.symm
added theorem turing.blank_rel.trans
added def turing.blank_rel
deleted def turing.dwrite
deleted theorem turing.dwrite_eq
deleted theorem turing.dwrite_ne
deleted theorem turing.dwrite_self
added theorem turing.list_blank.ext
deleted def turing.pointed_map
added def turing.proj
added theorem turing.proj_map_nth
added theorem turing.tape.exists_mk'
modified def
modified theorem turing.tape.map_fst
added theorem turing.tape.map_mk'
deleted theorem turing.tape.map_mk
added theorem turing.tape.map_mk₁
added theorem turing.tape.map_mk₂
modified theorem turing.tape.map_write
modified def'
added theorem'_head
added theorem'_left
added theorem'_right
deleted def
modified theorem turing.tape.move_right_nth
modified def turing.tape.nth
modified theorem turing.tape.nth_zero
modified def turing.tape.write
added theorem turing.tape.write_mk'
modified theorem turing.tape.write_self
added structure turing.tape
deleted def turing.tape
added structure turing.{u