Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-07-04 08:32 0d249d70

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feat(analysis/normed_space/*): group of units of a normed ring is open (#3210) In a complete normed ring, the group of units is an open subset of the ring (Zulip) Supporting material:

  • topology.metric_space.basic, analysis.normed_space.basic, normed_space.operator_norm: some lemmas about limits and infinite sums in metric and normed spaces
  • analysis.normed_space.basic, normed_space.operator_norm: left- and right- multiplication in a normed ring (algebra) is a bounded homomorphism (linear map); the algebra/linear-map versions are not needed for the main result but included for completeness
  • analysis.normed_space.basic: a normed algebra is nonzero (not needed for the main result) (Zulip)
  • algebra.group_with_zero: the subsingleton_or_nonzero dichotomy for monoids with zero (Zulip) (written by @jcommelin )
  • analysis.specific_limits: results on geometric series in a complete normed_ring; relies on
  • algebra.geom_sum: "left" variants of some existing "right" lemmas on finite geometric series; relies on
  • algebra.opposites, algebra.group_power, algebra.big_operators: lemmas about the opposite ring (Zulip)

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