Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-10-25 09:58 0d580447

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feat(data/pnat): add missing norm_cast attributes (#16995) Also renames nat.primes.coe_[p]nat_inj to nat.primes.coe_[p]nat_injective to match the naming guide, and make room for the iff version occupying the original name.

Estimated changes

modified theorem pnat.add_coe
modified theorem pnat.coe_bit0
modified theorem pnat.coe_bit1
modified theorem pnat.coe_eq_one_iff
modified theorem pnat.coe_inj
modified theorem pnat.mul_coe
modified theorem pnat.one_coe
modified theorem pnat.pow_coe