Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-11-02 18:45 13a104d9

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chore({data,linear_algebra}/dfinsupp): Move linear_algebra stuff to its own file (#4873) This makes the layout of files about dfinsupp resemble those of finsupp a little better. This also:

  • Renames type arguments to match the names of those in finsupp
  • Adjusts argument explicitness to match those in finsupp
  • Adds dfinsupp.lapply to match finsupp.lapply

Estimated changes

deleted theorem dfinsupp.lhom_ext'
deleted theorem dfinsupp.lhom_ext
deleted def dfinsupp.lmk
deleted theorem dfinsupp.lmk_apply
deleted def dfinsupp.lsingle
deleted theorem dfinsupp.lsingle_apply
deleted def dfinsupp.lsum