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Commit 2019-03-01 10:20 16033bb5

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feat(analysis/asymptotics,analysis/normed_space/deriv): improvements and additions

Estimated changes

modified theorem asymptotics.is_bigo_zero
modified theorem asymptotics.is_littleo_zero
modified theorem chain_rule
added theorem chain_rule_at_within
deleted theorem continuous_of_has_fderiv
deleted theorem has_fderiv_add
added theorem has_fderiv_at.congr
added theorem has_fderiv_at_add
added theorem has_fderiv_at_const
added theorem has_fderiv_at_id
added theorem has_fderiv_at_neg
added theorem has_fderiv_at_smul
added theorem has_fderiv_at_sub
modified theorem has_fderiv_at_within.congr
deleted theorem has_fderiv_const
deleted theorem has_fderiv_equiv_aux
deleted theorem has_fderiv_id
deleted theorem has_fderiv_iff_littleo
deleted theorem has_fderiv_neg
deleted theorem has_fderiv_smul
deleted theorem has_fderiv_sub