Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-09-08 06:17 189fe5bd

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feat(data/nat/enat): refactor coe from nat to enat (#9023) The coercion from nat to enat was defined to be enat.some. But another coercion could be inferred from the additive structure on enat, leading to confusing goals of the form ↑n = ↑n where the two sides were not defeq. We now make the coercion inferred from the additive structure the default, even though it is not computable. A dedicated function enat.some is introduced, to be used whenever computability is important.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem enat.coe_add
added theorem enat.coe_coe_hom
modified def enat.coe_hom
modified theorem enat.coe_inj
deleted theorem enat.coe_one
deleted theorem enat.coe_zero
modified theorem enat.dom_coe
added theorem enat.dom_of_le_coe
modified theorem enat.dom_of_le_some
added theorem enat.dom_some
modified theorem enat.get_coe'
modified theorem enat.get_coe
added theorem enat.get_eq_iff_eq_coe
modified theorem enat.ne_top_iff
added def enat.some
added theorem enat.some_eq_coe
modified theorem enat.to_with_top_coe
added theorem enat.to_with_top_some