Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-06-04 17:34 19b57866

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feat(tactic/set): fix a bug (#14488) We make the behaviour of tactic.interactive.set closer to that of tactic.interactive.let, this should fix the following issue reported in

import ring_theory.adjoin.basic
example {R S : Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S] [algebra R S] (x : S): false :=
  let y : algebra.adjoin R ({x} : set S) := ⟨x, algebra.self_mem_adjoin_singleton R x⟩, -- works
  set y : algebra.adjoin R ({x} : set S) := ⟨x, algebra.self_mem_adjoin_singleton R x⟩, -- error

This is related to [lean#555 ]( I also fix two completely unrelated docstrings (where the list syntax created two lists instead of one) as I wouldn't want to separately add them to CI...

Estimated changes

added inductive foo