Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-11-30 19:51 1a513788

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feat(algebra/order/interval): Interval arithmetic (#16761) Define arithmetic operations on interval/nonempty_interval and prove their correctness.

Estimated changes

added theorem interval.bot_div
added theorem interval.bot_mul
added theorem interval.bot_ne_one
added theorem interval.bot_pow
added theorem interval.bot_sub
added theorem interval.coe_one
added theorem interval.div_bot
added theorem interval.inv_bot
added def interval.length
added theorem interval.length_add_le
added theorem interval.length_neg
added theorem interval.length_nonneg
added theorem interval.length_pure
added theorem interval.length_sub_le
added theorem interval.length_sum_le
added theorem interval.length_zero
added theorem interval.mul_bot
added theorem interval.one_mem_one
added theorem interval.one_ne_bot
added theorem interval.pure_one
added theorem interval.sub_bot