Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-07-27 23:02 1b0391a2

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feat(data/nat/totient): totient_mul (#8441) Also made data/nat/totient import data/zmod/basic instead of the other way round because I think people are more likely to want zmod but not totient than totient but not zmod. Also deleted the deprecated gpowers because it caused a name clash in group_theory/subgroup when the imports were changed.

Estimated changes

deleted def gmultiples
deleted theorem gmultiples_subset
deleted def gpowers
deleted theorem gpowers_subset
deleted theorem group.gpowers_eq_closure
deleted theorem is_add_subgroup.gsmul_mem
deleted theorem is_subgroup.gpow_mem
deleted theorem mem_gmultiples
deleted theorem mem_gpowers