Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-05-15 21:05 1b85e3c2

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chore(*): bump to lean-3.12.0 (#2681)

Changes to bracket notation

  • {a} now requires an instance has_singleton;
  • insert a ∅ = {a} is called insert_emptyc_eq, provided by an is_lawful_singleton instance;
  • a ∈ ({b} : set α) is now defeq a = b, not a = b ∨ false;
  • ({a} : set α) is no longer defeq insert a ∅;
  • ({a} : finset α) now means ⟨⟨[a]⟩, _⟩ (used to be called finset.singleton a), not insert a ∅;
  • removed finset.singleton;
  • {a, b} is now insert a {b}, not insert b {a}.
  • finset.univ : finset bool is now {tt, ff};
  • (({a} : finset α) : set α) is no longer defeq {a}.

Tactic norm_num

The interactive tactic norm_num was recently rewritten in Lean. The non-interactive tactic.norm_num has been removed in Lean 3.12 so that we can migrate the algebraic hierarchy to mathlib in 3.13.

Tactic combinators renames a bunch of tactic combinators. We change to using the new names.

Tactic case slightly changes the semantics of the case tactic. We fix the resulting breakage to be conform the new semantics.

Estimated changes

modified theorem finset.card_eq_one
modified theorem finset.card_erase_le
modified theorem finset.card_erase_lt_of_mem
modified theorem finset.card_erase_of_mem
modified theorem finset.card_singleton
modified theorem finset.coe_singleton
modified theorem finset.fold_singleton
modified theorem finset.image_singleton
deleted theorem finset.inf_singleton'
modified theorem finset.inf_singleton
added theorem finset.infi_coe
modified theorem finset.map_singleton
deleted theorem finset.max_singleton'
modified theorem finset.max_singleton
modified theorem finset.mem_singleton
modified theorem finset.mem_singleton_self
deleted theorem finset.min_singleton'
modified theorem finset.min_singleton
modified theorem finset.ne_empty_of_mem
modified theorem finset.not_mem_singleton
modified theorem finset.powerset_empty
deleted def finset.singleton
modified theorem finset.singleton_bind
modified theorem finset.singleton_inj
modified theorem finset.singleton_ne_empty
modified theorem finset.singleton_val
deleted theorem finset.sup_singleton'
modified theorem finset.sup_singleton
added theorem finset.supr_coe
modified theorem infi_eq_infi_finset
modified theorem option.to_finset_some
modified theorem supr_eq_supr_finset