Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2018-08-04 18:47 1b937197

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feat(algebra/ring): units.neg and associated matter

Estimated changes

added theorem nat.units_eq_one
modified theorem units.ext
added theorem units.ext_iff
modified theorem units.inv_coe
modified theorem units.inv_mul
modified theorem units.inv_mul_cancel_left
modified theorem units.inv_mul_cancel_right
modified theorem units.mul_coe
modified theorem units.mul_inv
modified theorem units.mul_inv_cancel_left
modified theorem units.mul_inv_cancel_right
modified theorem units.mul_left_inj
modified theorem units.mul_right_inj
modified theorem units.one_coe
modified theorem units.val_coe
modified theorem bit0_eq_two_mul
modified theorem mul_two