Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-07-22 19:30 1dd69d30

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refactor(data/polynomial): re-organizing (#3512) This builds on #3407, trying to get related material closer together. There shouldn't be any change to the set of declarations, just the order they come in and the imports required to get them. The major changes are:

  1. data.polynomial.derivative now has much weaker imports
  2. generally, material has been moved "upwards" to the first place it can be done (a lot of material moved out of into -- essentially degree is the material about degree that also needs eval and friends; a further rename might be appropriate)
  3. some of the later material is no longer a big chain of linear dependencies, but compiles separately

Estimated changes

deleted theorem polynomial.degree_X_pow
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_X_sub_C
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_add_C
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_add_le
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_mul'
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_mul
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_mul_le
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_pow'
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_pow
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_pow_le
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_sub_le
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_sub_lt
deleted theorem polynomial.degree_sum_le
deleted theorem polynomial.monic.ne_zero
deleted theorem polynomial.monic_X
deleted theorem polynomial.monic_one
deleted theorem polynomial.not_is_unit_X
added theorem polynomial.as_sum
added theorem polynomial.degree_mul'
added theorem polynomial.degree_mul
added theorem polynomial.degree_pow'
added theorem polynomial.degree_pow
added theorem polynomial.monic_X
added theorem polynomial.monic_one