Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-01-05 14:50 1de608d8

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refactor(measure_theory): integrate almost everywhere measurable functions (#5510) Currently, the Bochner integral is only defined for measurable functions. This means that, if f is continuous on an interval [a, b], to be able to make sense of ∫ x in a..b, f, one has to add a global measurability assumption, which is very much unnatural. This PR redefines the Bochner integral so that it makes sense for functions that are almost everywhere measurable, i.e., they coincide almost everywhere with a measurable function (This is equivalent to measurability for the completed measure, but we don't state or prove this as it is not needed to develop the theory).

Estimated changes

modified theorem interval_integrable.refl
modified theorem interval_integrable.trans