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Commit 2022-07-11 16:51 201d2c61

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refactor(data/nat/enat): rename enat to part_enat (#15235)

  • find+replace enat with part_enat;
  • reflow long lines
  • add a sentence to the module docstring of data.nat.enat. I'm going to define enat := with_top nat and use it as the default implementation of "nat with top".

Estimated changes

deleted theorem enat.add_eq_top_iff
deleted theorem enat.add_one_le_iff_lt
deleted theorem enat.add_one_le_of_lt
deleted theorem enat.add_top
deleted theorem enat.coe_add_get
deleted theorem enat.coe_coe_hom
deleted theorem enat.coe_get
deleted def enat.coe_hom
deleted theorem enat.coe_inj
deleted theorem enat.coe_le_coe
deleted theorem enat.coe_le_iff
deleted theorem enat.coe_lt_coe
deleted theorem enat.coe_lt_iff
deleted theorem enat.coe_lt_top
deleted theorem enat.coe_ne_top
deleted theorem enat.dom_coe
deleted theorem enat.dom_of_le_coe
deleted theorem enat.dom_of_le_of_dom
deleted theorem enat.dom_of_le_some
deleted theorem enat.dom_of_lt
deleted theorem enat.dom_some
deleted theorem enat.eq_top_iff_forall_le
deleted theorem enat.eq_top_iff_forall_lt
deleted theorem enat.eq_zero_iff
deleted def enat.find
deleted theorem enat.find_dom
deleted theorem enat.find_eq_top_iff
deleted theorem enat.find_get
deleted theorem enat.find_le
deleted theorem enat.get_add
deleted theorem enat.get_coe'
deleted theorem enat.get_coe
deleted theorem enat.get_eq_iff_eq_coe
deleted theorem enat.get_eq_iff_eq_some
deleted theorem enat.get_le_get
deleted theorem enat.get_one
deleted theorem enat.get_zero
deleted theorem enat.le_coe_iff
deleted theorem enat.le_def
deleted theorem enat.le_of_lt_add_one
deleted theorem enat.lt_add_one
deleted theorem enat.lt_add_one_iff_lt
deleted theorem enat.lt_coe_iff
deleted theorem enat.lt_def
deleted theorem enat.lt_find
deleted theorem enat.lt_find_iff
deleted theorem enat.lt_wf
deleted theorem enat.ne_top_iff
deleted theorem enat.ne_top_iff_dom
deleted theorem enat.ne_top_of_lt
deleted theorem enat.ne_zero_iff
deleted theorem enat.not_dom_iff_eq_top
deleted theorem enat.not_is_max_coe
deleted theorem enat.pos_iff_one_le
deleted def enat.some
deleted theorem enat.some_eq_coe
deleted def enat.to_with_top
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_add
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_coe'
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_coe
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_le
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_lt
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_some
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_top'
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_top
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_zero'
deleted theorem enat.to_with_top_zero
deleted theorem enat.top_add
deleted theorem enat.top_eq_none
deleted theorem enat.with_top_equiv_coe
deleted theorem enat.with_top_equiv_le
deleted theorem enat.with_top_equiv_lt
deleted theorem enat.with_top_equiv_top
deleted theorem enat.with_top_equiv_zero
deleted def enat
added theorem part_enat.add_top
added theorem part_enat.coe_add_get
added theorem part_enat.coe_coe_hom
added theorem part_enat.coe_get
added theorem part_enat.coe_inj
added theorem part_enat.coe_le_coe
added theorem part_enat.coe_le_iff
added theorem part_enat.coe_lt_coe
added theorem part_enat.coe_lt_iff
added theorem part_enat.coe_lt_top
added theorem part_enat.coe_ne_top
added theorem part_enat.dom_coe
added theorem part_enat.dom_of_lt
added theorem part_enat.dom_some
added theorem part_enat.eq_zero_iff
added def part_enat.find
added theorem part_enat.find_dom
added theorem part_enat.find_get
added theorem part_enat.find_le
added theorem part_enat.get_add
added theorem part_enat.get_coe'
added theorem part_enat.get_coe
added theorem part_enat.get_le_get
added theorem part_enat.get_one
added theorem part_enat.get_zero
added theorem part_enat.le_coe_iff
added theorem part_enat.le_def
added theorem part_enat.lt_add_one
added theorem part_enat.lt_coe_iff
added theorem part_enat.lt_def
added theorem part_enat.lt_find
added theorem part_enat.lt_find_iff
added theorem part_enat.lt_wf
added theorem part_enat.ne_top_iff
added theorem part_enat.ne_top_of_lt
added theorem part_enat.ne_zero_iff
added def part_enat.some
added theorem part_enat.some_eq_coe
added theorem part_enat.top_add
added theorem part_enat.top_eq_none
added def part_enat