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Commit 2020-10-05 19:45 21271659

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chore(linear_algebra/basis): split off linear_independent.lean (#4440) The file basis.lean was getting rather long (1500 lines), so I decided to split it into two not as long files at a natural point: everything using linear_independent but not basis can go into a new file linear_independent.lean. As a result, we can import basis.lean a bit later in the ring_theory hierarchy.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem disjoint_span_singleton
deleted theorem exists_linear_independent
deleted theorem le_of_span_le_span
deleted theorem linear_dependent_iff
deleted theorem linear_independent.comp
deleted theorem linear_independent.image'
deleted theorem linear_independent.image
deleted theorem linear_independent.insert
deleted theorem linear_independent.mono
deleted theorem linear_independent.union
deleted theorem linear_independent.unique
deleted def linear_independent
deleted theorem linear_independent_empty
deleted theorem linear_independent_equiv'
deleted theorem linear_independent_equiv
deleted theorem linear_independent_iff''
deleted theorem linear_independent_iff'
deleted theorem linear_independent_iff
deleted theorem linear_independent_image
deleted theorem linear_independent_insert
deleted theorem linear_independent_span
deleted theorem linear_independent_unique
deleted theorem mem_span_insert_exchange
deleted theorem span_le_span_iff
added theorem le_of_span_le_span
added theorem linear_dependent_iff
added theorem linear_independent_iff
added theorem span_le_span_iff