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Commit 2017-08-11 17:57 218c1dd3

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algebra/lattice/filter: cleanup move theorems to appropriate places

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Union_subset_Union2
deleted theorem Union_subset_Union
deleted theorem Union_subset_Union_const
deleted theorem bind_assoc
deleted theorem classical.cases
deleted theorem compl_image_set_of
deleted theorem diff_empty
deleted theorem diff_neq_empty
deleted theorem eq_of_sup_eq_inf_eq
deleted theorem false_neq_true
deleted theorem implies_implies_true_iff
deleted theorem inf_eq_bot_iff_le_compl
deleted theorem map_bind
deleted theorem neg_subset_neg_iff_subset
deleted theorem not_not_mem_iff
deleted theorem not_or_iff_implies
deleted theorem prod.fst_swap
deleted theorem
deleted theorem prod.snd_swap
deleted def prod.swap
deleted theorem prod.swap_prod_mk
deleted theorem prod.swap_swap
deleted theorem prod.swap_swap_eq
deleted theorem pure_seq_eq_map
deleted theorem sUnion_eq_Union
deleted theorem sUnion_mono
deleted theorem seq_bind_eq
deleted theorem seq_eq_bind_map
deleted theorem set.bind_def
deleted theorem set.diff_right_antimono
deleted theorem set.fmap_eq_image
deleted theorem set.image_Union
deleted theorem set.image_inter
deleted theorem set.image_singleton
deleted theorem set.image_swap_prod
deleted theorem set.mem_prod_eq
deleted theorem set.mem_seq_iff
deleted theorem set.monotone_prod
deleted theorem set.preimage_set_of_eq
deleted theorem set.prod_image_image_eq
deleted theorem set.prod_inter_prod
deleted theorem set.prod_mono
deleted theorem set.prod_neq_empty_iff
deleted theorem set.prod_preimage_eq
deleted theorem set.set_of_mem_eq
deleted theorem set.univ_eq_true_false
deleted theorem singleton_neq_emptyset
added theorem bind_assoc
added theorem map_bind
added theorem pure_seq_eq_map
added theorem seq_bind_eq
added theorem seq_eq_bind_map
added theorem prod.fst_swap
added theorem
added theorem prod.snd_swap
added def prod.swap
added theorem prod.swap_prod_mk
added theorem prod.swap_swap
added theorem prod.swap_swap_eq
added theorem set.Union_subset_Union
added theorem set.bind_def
added theorem set.fmap_eq_image
added theorem set.image_Union
added theorem set.mem_seq_iff
added theorem set.sUnion_eq_Union
added theorem set.sUnion_mono
added theorem set.univ_subtype
added theorem classical.cases
added theorem false_neq_true
added theorem not_and_iff_imp_not
added theorem {u