Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-08-17 12:46 22dce611

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feat(linear_algebra/linear_pmap): introduce notation (#15751) We add the notation E →ₗ.[R] F for linear_pmap R E F inspired by the notation for pfun and linear_map.

Estimated changes

modified def linear_map.comp_pmap
modified theorem linear_map.comp_pmap_apply
modified def linear_map.to_pmap
modified theorem linear_pmap.coe_smul
modified def linear_pmap.comp
modified def linear_pmap.coprod
modified theorem linear_pmap.coprod_apply
modified theorem linear_pmap.domain_sup
modified def linear_pmap.eq_locus
modified theorem linear_pmap.eq_of_eq_graph
modified theorem linear_pmap.ext
modified theorem linear_pmap.ext_iff
modified def linear_pmap.graph
modified theorem linear_pmap.image_iff
modified theorem linear_pmap.le_of_le_graph
modified theorem linear_pmap.map_add
modified theorem linear_pmap.map_neg
modified theorem linear_pmap.map_smul
modified theorem linear_pmap.map_sub
modified theorem linear_pmap.map_zero
modified theorem linear_pmap.mem_domain_iff
modified theorem linear_pmap.mem_graph
modified theorem linear_pmap.mem_graph_iff'
modified theorem linear_pmap.mem_graph_iff
modified theorem linear_pmap.mem_range_iff
modified theorem linear_pmap.neg_apply
modified theorem linear_pmap.neg_graph
modified theorem linear_pmap.smul_apply
modified theorem linear_pmap.smul_graph
modified theorem linear_pmap.sup_apply
modified theorem linear_pmap.to_fun_eq_coe