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Commit 2022-11-18 14:15 25cf7631

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chore(ring_theory): move submodule.fg to ring_theory.finiteness (#17541) Theory on finitely generated submodules was defined in ring_theory.noetherian, but we can easily move it to ring_theory.finiteness which needs noticeably fewer imports. This move flips the import direction between the two files, since finiteness used to import noetherian and now it's the other way. Finally, some results that didn't fit neatly in either file are now in the new file ring_theory.ideal.idempotent_fg. As suggested in the discussion on #17481.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem
deleted def ideal.fg
deleted theorem ideal.fg_ker_comp
deleted theorem
deleted theorem submodule.fg.map₂
deleted theorem submodule.fg.mul
deleted theorem submodule.fg.pow
deleted theorem
deleted theorem submodule.fg.sup
deleted def submodule.fg
deleted theorem submodule.fg_bot
deleted theorem submodule.fg_bsupr
deleted theorem submodule.fg_def
deleted theorem submodule.fg_finset_sup
deleted theorem submodule.fg_iff_compact
deleted theorem submodule.fg_induction
deleted theorem submodule.fg_ker_comp
deleted theorem submodule.fg_of_fg_map
deleted theorem submodule.fg_pi
deleted theorem submodule.fg_span
deleted theorem submodule.fg_supr
deleted theorem submodule.fg_top