Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-02-14 07:20 25ebf419

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chore(analysis): move some code (#12008) Move the code that doesn't rely on normed_space from analysis.normed_space.add_torsor to

Estimated changes

deleted theorem continuous.vsub
deleted theorem continuous_at.vsub
deleted theorem continuous_vsub
deleted theorem continuous_within_at.vsub
deleted theorem dist_eq_norm_vsub
deleted theorem dist_vadd_cancel_left
deleted theorem dist_vadd_cancel_right
deleted theorem dist_vadd_left
deleted theorem dist_vadd_right
deleted theorem dist_vadd_vadd_le
deleted theorem dist_vsub_cancel_left
deleted theorem dist_vsub_cancel_right
deleted theorem dist_vsub_vsub_le
deleted theorem edist_vadd_vadd_le
deleted theorem edist_vsub_vsub_le
deleted theorem filter.tendsto.line_map
deleted theorem filter.tendsto.midpoint
deleted theorem filter.tendsto.vsub
deleted theorem lipschitz_with.vadd
deleted theorem lipschitz_with.vsub
deleted theorem nndist_vadd_vadd_le
deleted theorem nndist_vsub_vsub_le
deleted theorem uniform_continuous_vadd
deleted theorem uniform_continuous_vsub
deleted theorem vadd_ball
deleted theorem vadd_closed_ball
deleted theorem vadd_sphere