Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-04-02 21:56 278ad338

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refactor(topology/metric_space/isometry): generalize to pseudo_metric (#6910) This is part of a series of PR to have the theory of semi_normed_group (and related concepts) in mathlib. We generalize here isometry to pseudo_emetric_space and pseudo_metric_space.

Estimated changes

modified theorem algebra_map_isometry
modified def'
modified structure isometric
modified theorem isometry.closed_embedding
modified theorem isometry.diam_image
modified theorem isometry.diam_range
modified theorem isometry.dist_eq
modified theorem isometry.edist_eq
modified theorem isometry.injective
modified theorem isometry.uniform_embedding
modified def isometry
modified theorem isometry_emetric_iff_metric