Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2019-04-01 03:01 2851236b

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feat(data/real/pi): Compute the first three digits of pi (#822)

Estimated changes

modified theorem real.le_mk_of_forall_le
added theorem real.le_sqrt'
added theorem real.le_sqrt
added theorem real.le_sqrt_of_sqr_le
modified theorem real.mul_self_sqrt
modified theorem real.sqr_sqrt
modified theorem real.sqrt_div
modified theorem real.sqrt_eq_iff_sqr_eq
modified theorem real.sqrt_eq_zero'
modified theorem real.sqrt_eq_zero
modified theorem real.sqrt_eq_zero_of_nonpos
modified theorem real.sqrt_inj
modified theorem real.sqrt_le
added theorem real.sqrt_le_left
added theorem real.sqrt_le_sqrt
modified theorem real.sqrt_lt
modified theorem real.sqrt_mul
modified theorem real.sqrt_mul_self
modified theorem real.sqrt_pos
modified theorem real.sqrt_sqr