Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-04-27 07:21 287492c6

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refactor(ring_theory/hahn_series): non-linearly-ordered Hahn series (#7377) Refactors Hahn series to use set.is_pwo instead of set.is_wf, allowing them to be defined on non-linearly-ordered monomial types

Estimated changes

modified theorem finset.is_pwo
added theorem finset.is_pwo_sup
modified theorem finset.is_wf
modified theorem finset.well_founded_on
added theorem set.finite.is_pwo
deleted theorem set.finite.is_wf
added theorem set.fintype.is_pwo
deleted theorem set.fintype.is_wf
added theorem set.is_pwo.insert
modified theorem set.is_pwo.mul
added theorem set.is_pwo.union
added theorem set.is_pwo_empty
added theorem set.is_pwo_singleton
deleted theorem set.is_wf.insert
deleted theorem set.is_wf_empty
deleted theorem set.is_wf_singleton