Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-05-27 08:57 2a48225a

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feat(computability/tm_to_partrec): partrec functions are TM-computable (#2792) A construction of a Turing machine that can evaluate any partial recursive function. This PR contains the bulk of the work but the end to end theorem (which asserts that any computable function can be evaluated by a Turing machine) has not yet been stated.

Estimated changes

added inductive turing.partrec_to_TM2.K'
added inductive turing.partrec_to_TM2.Γ'
added inductive turing.partrec_to_TM2.Λ'
added inductive turing.to_partrec.cfg
added inductive turing.to_partrec.code
added inductive turing.to_partrec.cont