Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2017-11-02 17:13 2da9bef0

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feat(data/nat/cast,...): add char_zero typeclass for cast_inj As pointed out by @kbuzzard, the complex numbers are an important example of an unordered characteristic zero field for which we will want cast_inj to be available.

Estimated changes

modified theorem int.cast_eq_zero
modified theorem int.cast_inj
modified theorem int.cast_ne_zero
modified theorem rat.cast_add
modified theorem rat.cast_bit0
modified theorem rat.cast_bit1
modified theorem rat.cast_div
modified theorem rat.cast_eq_zero
modified theorem rat.cast_inj
modified theorem rat.cast_inv
modified theorem rat.cast_mk
modified theorem rat.cast_mul
modified theorem rat.cast_ne_zero
modified theorem rat.cast_sub