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Commit 2018-11-08 09:29 2f38ed7a

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feat(ring_theory/ideal_operations): define ideal operations (multiplication and radical) (#462)

Estimated changes

added theorem ideal.add_eq_sup
added theorem ideal.bot_mul
added def ideal.comap
added theorem ideal.comap_inf
added theorem ideal.comap_mono
added theorem ideal.comap_ne_top
added theorem ideal.comap_radical
added theorem ideal.comap_top
added theorem ideal.is_prime.radical
added theorem ideal.le_comap_mul
added theorem ideal.le_comap_sup
added theorem ideal.le_radical
added def
added theorem ideal.map_bot
added theorem ideal.map_inf_le
added theorem ideal.map_mono
added theorem ideal.map_mul
added theorem ideal.map_radical_le
added theorem ideal.map_sup
added theorem ideal.map_top
added theorem ideal.mem_comap
added theorem ideal.mem_map_of_mem
added theorem ideal.mul_bot
added theorem ideal.mul_le
added theorem ideal.mul_le_inf
added theorem ideal.mul_mem_mul
added theorem ideal.mul_mem_mul_rev
added theorem ideal.mul_mono
added theorem ideal.mul_mono_left
added theorem ideal.mul_mono_right
added theorem ideal.mul_sup
added theorem ideal.mul_top
added theorem ideal.one_eq_top
added def ideal.radical
added theorem ideal.radical_eq_Inf
added theorem ideal.radical_eq_top
added theorem ideal.radical_idem
added theorem ideal.radical_inf
added theorem ideal.radical_mono
added theorem ideal.radical_mul
added theorem ideal.radical_pow
added theorem ideal.radical_sup
added theorem ideal.radical_top
added theorem ideal.span_mul_span
added theorem ideal.sup_mul
added theorem ideal.top_mul
added theorem ideal.zero_eq_bot
added theorem submodule.add_eq_sup
added theorem submodule.bot_smul
added def submodule.colon
added theorem submodule.colon_mono
added theorem submodule.mem_colon'
added theorem submodule.mem_colon
added theorem submodule.smul_assoc
added theorem submodule.smul_bot
added theorem submodule.smul_le
added theorem submodule.smul_mono
added theorem submodule.smul_sup
added theorem submodule.sup_smul
added theorem submodule.top_smul
added theorem submodule.zero_eq_bot