Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-11-14 12:00 2fc6f911

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refactor(algebra/*): streamlining up to data.nat.cast.basic (#17530)

Estimated changes

deleted theorem coe_div₀
deleted theorem coe_inv₀
deleted theorem commute.div_left
deleted theorem commute.div_right
deleted theorem commute.inv_left_iff₀
deleted theorem commute.inv_left₀
deleted theorem commute.inv_right_iff₀
deleted theorem commute.inv_right₀
deleted theorem commute.zero_left
deleted theorem commute.zero_right
deleted theorem div_div_cancel'
deleted theorem div_div_div_cancel_right
deleted theorem div_eq_div_iff
deleted theorem div_eq_iff
deleted theorem div_eq_iff_mul_eq
deleted theorem div_eq_of_eq_mul
deleted theorem div_eq_one_iff_eq
deleted theorem div_helper
deleted theorem div_left_inj'
deleted theorem div_mul_cancel
deleted theorem div_mul_cancel_of_imp
deleted theorem div_mul_div_cancel
deleted theorem div_mul_left
deleted theorem div_mul_right
deleted theorem div_self
deleted theorem divp_mk0
deleted theorem eq_div_iff
deleted theorem eq_div_iff_mul_eq
deleted theorem eq_div_of_mul_eq
deleted theorem eq_inv_mul_iff_mul_eq₀
deleted theorem eq_mul_inv_iff_mul_eq₀
deleted theorem eq_on_inv₀
deleted theorem inv_mul_eq_iff_eq_mul₀
deleted theorem inv_mul_eq_one₀
deleted theorem map_div₀
deleted theorem map_eq_zero
deleted theorem map_inv₀
deleted theorem map_ne_zero
deleted theorem mul_div_cancel'
deleted theorem mul_div_cancel
deleted theorem mul_div_cancel_left
deleted theorem mul_div_cancel_of_imp'
deleted theorem mul_div_cancel_of_imp
deleted theorem mul_div_mul_left
deleted theorem mul_div_mul_right
deleted theorem mul_eq_mul_of_div_eq_div
deleted theorem mul_eq_one_iff_eq_inv₀
deleted theorem mul_eq_one_iff_inv_eq₀
deleted theorem mul_inv_eq_iff_eq_mul₀
deleted theorem mul_inv_eq_one₀
deleted theorem mul_mul_div
deleted theorem mul_one_div_cancel
deleted theorem one_div_mul_cancel
deleted theorem ring.mul_inverse_rev'
deleted theorem ring.mul_inverse_rev
deleted theorem semiconj_by.div_right
deleted theorem semiconj_by.inv_right₀
deleted theorem semiconj_by.zero_left
deleted theorem semiconj_by.zero_right
deleted theorem units.smul_mk0
added theorem coe_div₀
added theorem coe_inv₀
added theorem div_div_cancel'
added theorem div_eq_div_iff
added theorem div_eq_iff
added theorem div_eq_iff_mul_eq
added theorem div_eq_of_eq_mul
added theorem div_eq_one_iff_eq
added theorem div_helper
added theorem div_left_inj'
added theorem div_mul_cancel
added theorem div_mul_cancel_of_imp
added theorem div_mul_div_cancel
added theorem div_mul_left
added theorem div_mul_right
added theorem div_self
added theorem divp_mk0
added theorem eq_div_iff
added theorem eq_div_iff_mul_eq
added theorem eq_div_of_mul_eq
added theorem eq_on_inv₀
added theorem inv_mul_eq_one₀
added theorem map_div₀
added theorem map_eq_zero
added theorem map_inv₀
added theorem map_ne_zero
added theorem mul_div_cancel'
added theorem mul_div_cancel
added theorem mul_div_cancel_left
added theorem mul_div_cancel_of_imp'
added theorem mul_div_cancel_of_imp
added theorem mul_div_mul_left
added theorem mul_div_mul_right
added theorem mul_inv_eq_one₀
added theorem mul_mul_div
added theorem mul_one_div_cancel
added theorem one_div_mul_cancel
added theorem units.smul_mk0