Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-03-28 15:03 31e5ae22

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feat(data/list/cycle): Define the empty cycle (#12967) Also clean the file up somewhat, and add various simp lemmas.

Estimated changes

added theorem cycle.coe_eq_nil
added theorem cycle.coe_nil
added theorem cycle.coe_to_multiset
added theorem cycle.empty_eq
added theorem cycle.induction_on
modified theorem cycle.length_coe
added theorem cycle.length_nil
modified theorem cycle.length_nontrivial
modified theorem cycle.length_reverse
added theorem cycle.lists_coe
added theorem cycle.lists_nil
added theorem cycle.map_coe
added theorem cycle.map_eq_nil
added theorem cycle.map_nil
modified theorem cycle.mem_coe_iff
modified theorem cycle.mem_lists_iff_coe_eq
modified theorem cycle.mem_reverse_iff
modified theorem'_eq_coe
modified theorem cycle.mk_eq_coe
modified theorem cycle.next_mem
added def cycle.nil
added theorem cycle.nil_to_finset
added theorem cycle.nil_to_multiset
modified theorem cycle.nodup.nontrivial_iff
modified theorem cycle.nodup_coe_iff
added theorem cycle.nodup_nil
modified theorem cycle.nodup_reverse_iff
added theorem cycle.not_mem_nil
modified theorem cycle.prev_mem
modified theorem cycle.reverse_coe
added theorem cycle.reverse_nil
modified theorem cycle.reverse_reverse
modified theorem cycle.subsingleton.nodup
added theorem cycle.subsingleton_nil