Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-05-02 11:44 320df450

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refactor(linear_algebra/trace): unbundle matrix.trace (#13712) These extra type arguments are annoying to work with in many cases, especially when Lean doesn't have any information to infer the mostly-irrelevant R argument from. This came up while trying to work with continuous.matrix_trace, which is annoying to use for that reason. The old bundled version is still available as matrix.trace_linear_map. The cost of this change is that we have to copy across the usual set of obvious lemmas about additive maps; but we already do this for diagonal, transpose etc anyway.

Estimated changes

modified def matrix.trace
added theorem matrix.trace_add
deleted theorem matrix.trace_apply
modified theorem matrix.trace_col_mul_row
deleted theorem matrix.trace_diag
modified theorem matrix.trace_fin_one
modified theorem matrix.trace_fin_three
modified theorem matrix.trace_fin_two
modified theorem matrix.trace_fin_zero
added theorem matrix.trace_list_sum
modified theorem matrix.trace_mul_comm
modified theorem matrix.trace_mul_cycle'
modified theorem matrix.trace_mul_cycle
added theorem matrix.trace_neg
modified theorem matrix.trace_one
added theorem matrix.trace_smul
added theorem matrix.trace_sub
added theorem matrix.trace_sum
modified theorem matrix.trace_transpose
modified theorem matrix.trace_transpose_mul
added theorem matrix.trace_zero