Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-07-22 10:18 39f8f020

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refactor(algebra/big_operators): split file, reduce imports (#3495) I've split up algebra.big_operators. It wasn't completely obvious how to divide it up, but this is an attempt to balance coherence / file size / minimal imports.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem directed.finset_le
deleted theorem finset.abs_sum_le_sum_abs
deleted theorem finset.card_pi
deleted theorem finset.dvd_sum
deleted theorem finset.exists_le
deleted theorem finset.mul_sum
deleted theorem finset.prod_Ico_add
deleted theorem finset.prod_Ico_reflect
deleted theorem finset.prod_Ico_succ_top
deleted theorem finset.prod_add
deleted theorem finset.prod_le_prod'
deleted theorem finset.prod_le_prod
deleted theorem finset.prod_nat_cast
deleted theorem finset.prod_nonneg
deleted theorem finset.prod_pos
deleted theorem finset.prod_range_reflect
deleted theorem finset.prod_sum
deleted theorem finset.single_le_sum
deleted theorem finset.sum_Ico_add
deleted theorem finset.sum_Ico_eq_sub
deleted theorem finset.sum_Ico_reflect
deleted theorem finset.sum_Ico_succ_top
deleted theorem finset.sum_boole_mul
deleted theorem finset.sum_div
deleted theorem finset.sum_eq_zero_iff
deleted theorem finset.sum_le_sum
deleted theorem finset.sum_lt_sum
deleted theorem finset.sum_mono_set
deleted theorem finset.sum_mul
deleted theorem finset.sum_mul_boole
deleted theorem finset.sum_mul_sum
deleted theorem finset.sum_nonneg
deleted theorem finset.sum_nonpos
deleted theorem finset.sum_range_id
deleted theorem finset.sum_range_reflect
deleted theorem is_group_hom_finset_prod
deleted theorem with_top.op_sum
deleted theorem with_top.sum_eq_top_iff
deleted theorem with_top.sum_lt_top
deleted theorem with_top.sum_lt_top_iff
deleted theorem with_top.unop_sum
added theorem finset.dvd_sum
added theorem finset.mul_sum
added theorem finset.prod_add
added theorem finset.prod_nat_cast
added theorem finset.prod_sum
added theorem finset.sum_boole_mul
added theorem finset.sum_div
added theorem finset.sum_mul
added theorem finset.sum_mul_boole
added theorem finset.sum_mul_sum