Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-12-12 09:03 3afdf41f

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chore(*): generalize some lemmas from linear_ordered_semiring to ordered_semiring (#5327) API changes:

  • Many lemmas now have weaker typeclass assumptions. Sometimes this means that @myname _ _ _ needs one more _.
  • Drop eq_one_of_mul_self_left_cancel etc in favor of the new mul_eq_left_iff etc.
  • A few new lemmas that state monotone or strict_mono_incr_on.

Estimated changes

modified theorem int.cast_abs
modified theorem int.cast_le
modified theorem int.cast_lt
modified theorem int.cast_lt_zero
modified theorem int.cast_max
modified theorem int.cast_min
added theorem int.cast_mono
modified theorem int.cast_nonneg
modified theorem int.cast_nonpos
modified theorem int.cast_pos
added theorem int.cast_strict_mono
modified theorem nat.abs_cast
modified theorem nat.cast_add_one_pos
modified theorem nat.cast_le
modified theorem nat.cast_le_one
modified theorem nat.cast_lt
modified theorem nat.cast_lt_one
modified theorem nat.cast_nonneg
modified theorem nat.cast_pos
modified theorem nat.cast_two
added theorem nat.mono_cast
modified theorem nat.one_le_cast
modified theorem nat.one_lt_cast
modified theorem nat.strict_mono_cast